Saturday 27 December 2014

500 word evaluation.

For are work we were given the task of making a LSG(learning survival guide) for North notts College, We first had to draw up some ideas of what we should do.My first ideas(and the most simple)was what can be found in the college it's self, for example stationary (rulers, pencils,etc.)I thought against the idea though as it would have been to simple and not as eye catching.
We were shown past LSG guides and this gave us a idea of what to do, and what not to do.
For example some lacked colour or imagination.We were then able to determine from this what we wanted to a archive.
I started to develop my first idea,Which I did on the computer.

As you can see I took the concept of The Dominos pizza menus.
I used my basic computer skills to redesign the logo. I made it up of squares and filled the top two squares with images that relate to education (I choose a hat that you get at graduation which would represent what you will achieve by going to North Notts.The second one is a trophy that would represent the rewards you get at the North notts colledge.I found these to be appropriate for my first learning guide.The colors where the same ones as used by dominoes to ensure that people could see the resemblence.I wanted my target audience as a lot of people will have seen or had Domineos before.

My second  LSG design was done using photography. This time I brought in a common object (which was a Game boy in my case). I then started to take pictures of it from diffrent angles,This was to determine which one I would use for the front of my second LSG guide.
When I finally sorted out a picture I went onto Photoshop and editors the Game boy.While on Photoshop I edited the color so it was a more red colour(To relate to the main color of North notts College).I decreased the colour slightly so that it gave it a more professional look.I then made the back of the booklet the same colour.I USED a mixture of Photoshop techniques like saturation,colour balance,

My third LSG design was my final idea. This one went through a lot more thinking then the last two.My idea included using a artist called Peter Strain who I researched into (This research can be found in past blog entry's)  I looked at the way he used fonts the placement of the fonts,colour,size,etc...
I decided from this research I would make a figure up of words that related to the colledge (e.g Path,future,friends,achieve,etc..) this gave the person who would look at the front of the learners survival guide a idea of what the feeling and emotions they would be going throughout while in colledge, what it would be like to be in North Nottinghamshire colledge.
I then started to pick the appropriate colours would be for the texts. These colours would be the ones used in colledge e.g red and white.
As I started to build up my idea I came across a major problem with the picture (which I had drawn by hand taken a photograph of) Because the lines were not dark enough the filling tool on Photoshop could not render them and the colour will over fill everything on the page.  Plus the actual design (when issues mentioned before) had been sorted out, did not have my desired finish.
So I decided to keep the concept of text making up the LSG (learners survival guide) and
Built on from my other idea.This time thought the text did not make up any figure .I researched diffrent types of font (Taken from filled a information bubble (which represented speech) with diffrent,Bold, styles of font.
Each having words relating to colledge .
I then stated to think about the back ground and what could be done to give it a more intresting and unique touch.My idea was to paint the back ground my self with a mix of red,white,and green(colors of North Nottinghamshire) .
I stuck the speech bubble with diffrent fonts included onto the painted back ground and began to draw small black pictures that had meanings related to colledge.
I then started to edit my design through Photoshop (I came across minor errors, mainly spelling mistake which had not been seen before hand)But managed to make the design to a good enough standard.

I was very happy with this choice and felt that this design all together was a lot more intresting and was one of my favorite three.In the future though I will be careful of spelling errors and make sure lines are filled in.

Tuesday 16 December 2014

life drawing (using iPad sketch)

While using A iPad I realised how much fun it really was. All the tools were so much easier to access then in real life. I had a larger range of colours to choose from which felt better. I am definitely going to be using this in the future.

Monday 15 December 2014

LSG(design 2)

This is my second design for LSG .This time I used photography in my work for my front cover.I then cropped the picture so that I could take the back ground away and just have the Game boy in the forground.I used a Game boy because my current generation can relate and may have played on this console.
I then put the words Learners Survival Guide in the screen so this could be the text on the front. 
The background is the same colour as the front cover and has the colledge information on the back e.g Telephone number,Email.
This design has to be my least favorite out of all the others.Mainly because I am not that good at using a came a. So if I was to redo this project I would draw out the game boy by hand and maybe paint it using acrylic like this artist has done:
(This is not mine but would be good for future reference when painting as light and dark parts are separated) .
Before starting to develop this idea I found this picture 

Thus is quite a ironic picture as it ties into both my second and my third LSG design booklet . I really like thus picture as it also ties into my personal hobbies (and most of my favorite games).

LSG(final design 3 )

For example ; Success,Enjoy,Shine etc...
These word are meant to aspire the readers (who will be starting out in North Notts college 
Fir this design I looked at well used tattoos people would have(later I would use these as doodles to put on the front of the LSG book)
Here is a example of a bird tattoo that I took inspiration from:
I really love the detail in the wings and the way the bird has a leaf on its chest is quite a nice touch.
I also looked up books that had been op-ed up in diffrent ways(as silly as it's sounds I wanted it to be opened up towards the person so it would look like you could look into it)
This was my result: 
This was the first type of book I considered for my front cover, I like the way the book looks sketchy and old. Although it would not really suit my LSG front cover well as it may be a little complicated for a doodle.
My other search was:
Already this was one of the ones I thought would be more suitable for my doodle as it's a lot less complicated and could easily be draw in black pen.
I finally found one that would help influence my final doodle:
This one's perfect. and easy to work with so I worked on making it into my own design.I mostly got rid of the page details. 
I used a simple enlarge symbol that you see on all computers (Enlarge your future was the idea) I found my ideal doodle straight away:
These not really much else I can say  as there's not much I could change about this design.

My design before hand had a very obvious spelling mistake which was , instead of 'Success' it read 'succses'. This mistake was fixed by using the Lasso tool which helped me select letters and swap them around.
On the back of the booklet there is the email address,Phone number,and where to find North notts.
If i could do this design again and improve it i would have not painted the back ground and left it the same colour as the back of the booklet.Also i would have checked my spellings before i could the letters in so i do not have to edit over and over again.
Things i do like about the design are the clouds and the border they were given (they were used to make sure that the clouds were distinguished from the background).I enjoyed designing this book front the most.

*Here are the rough sketches of my idea for the doodles that will go on the front.
My next step would be to colour these in black.

Sunday 14 December 2014

LSG updated design

I have been trying to update my idea for the learning survival guide.Still using my other idea of text and the idea of it being the main part of the booklet.
In some parts the text is larger then other parts,this is to give it a more dramatic effect.
I have ideas to paint the back ground in a red colour (which is the colour North Notts college)
This is the colour I am aiming for in the back ground of my LSG guide.
As you can see I have painted it myself to give it a more Home made look.(We shall see how this turns out when it is scanned though the computer) .

This is a extends idea of the one below, this includes mini pictures 
Like a bird(which represents ambitions and being able to fly or fly towards the future)
(Please refer to my final LSG 3 for a update) 

This was the initial idea which Sempt a bit bland. 

Here is my final design idea:
I gave the back ground a lighter colour then planned and painted the words
I am still debating whether to bad the pictures (as stated above) or not.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

LSG(Student hand book) UPDATE

As one if interned designs did not fit my desired look,I decided I would still use the idea of text in my work,but instead,  would not be making it into any type of shape like seen below:

My new idea was to uses bold and eye catching fonts(that would still include words relating to the college).As you can see it's still a work in progress but I shall research more into this idea.

This design would be the front of the LSG hand book and I will be painting it and scanning it in so I can finish it off. Hopefully in the date given.
While researching I found ideas like mine which interested me like:
This picture in particular intrested me because of the way the text added yo the picture.when I looked closer I noticed that the man's beard was also made out of Text which I thought was quite a intresting touch to the picture.
This picture also looks like the one o like my chosen artist would have done.
I personally like this piece.
Another picture that caught my eye was this one:
One of the main reasons this picture caught my eye was because straight away I could recognize who it was.Using a well know celebrity and lyrics from his song impressed me. I like the way that the colours are simple but contrast well.
I hope to do something like this in one of my future LSG booklets.

I found a very simple (and very basic design)  that I thought was good for guidance lines: 

This one reminded me of something you would see on in cafes (I'm not sure why).The use of colours is okay but I shall avoid this type of font as I personally find it to be quite dull.

I have tried using these styles in some of my sketches,here are some examples:
With this picture I will be colouring it in, for example the hair will be brown so text on the top will be brown.I'm very impressed with how this turned out in the end.This also helped me with portrait work.Not sure if I should have left the shading below the eyes out.

Another idea that was a lot more simple was just to have one or two words(so it wouldn't appear more crowded).
I shall be colouring this up as well to see what it will look like in colour.

Life drawing (painting with hands)

These were the finished pieces of ny attempt to paint life models by hand.I think in the second picture I made a mistake on the jaw. But otherwise thus style really appealed to me.
We were shown artists work that used methods,  similar to what we did,  Matisse's paintings  were the ones that I took a liking to the most.
 His work looks blended and techtured.

Here we see some of his most famous pieces, above is a portrait called' The Green Line' which was modelled by Mrs.Matisse.

Tuesday 2 December 2014

life drawing (continued)

Update of life sketches we did today. I have been able to use the stick and chalk method Al orb better today and have managed to get some contor into the last picture.

Monday 1 December 2014

Designers MTP

Kristen Stein is an award-winning Contemporary Artist living in Suburban Philadelphia.  Kristen's works are currently available on a variety of online venues and boutiques and galleries throughout the US. (Taken from the Kristen Stein website).
This picture appears to have a beautiful water effect.
Picture that is formed partly by splatters.
These examples of Whimsy art mix medias including paint and water colours.
I shall think about using these colours in my LSG (learners survival guide). 
I may think about using paints in my final idea.

Artist Clara Nilles:
One artist I found while browsing was Clara Niles whos art work includes

Both pieces use a amazing looking water effect.
I also love the fact she includes animals that have had a rainbow effect added to them.

learners survival guide pt.4

For my 3rd,and final design, i have decided to use one of Peter strains pieces as influence for my work.As said in my post explaining why I will be using Peter Strain in my future work.
For my cover i have decided to use the concept of the text literally making up the body.This text will include words relating to the college. The text itself will be a mixture of Red and white and my aim is for it to be on a black ground. Similar to the background on the picture above.The text bellow needs work as well as its a very simple idea.
This is a Thumb nail sketch i have done so far;

Here were some examples of pictures I used to influence my work bellow:
This one helped me with drawing backs as it also gives you a good idea of how muscles are shown.You can clearly see the muscles in her back by the way she is posing.

I have drawn up another idea still including my Text idea.This time with a girl in the foreground looking out to the future with words relating to college.
I did not take as much to this idea as it seemed quite sparse and not much could be add to make it into a book cover. I will continue with my other ideas in the future. 
Though the scribble effect picture in the bottom left has hints of a good idea.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Sculpture work continued

Yanboru Boiken Mask: East sepik province,Papua New Guine
,19th Century and before.

I thought I could try link my sculpting work with these creative masks. I feel that the fact they relate to the animal I am using will help

Barbra Hepworth. Pt,1