Thursday 10 September 2015


The war in 1914 finished in 1918.
avant garde
  1. The avant-garde (from French, "advance guard" or "vanguard", literally "fore-guard") are people or works that are experimental or innovative, particularly with respect to art, culture, and politics.*
    *Taken from wikapeida 
    Was one of the most influncele trigger for how we do both art and media(music).

    1. Hugo Ball
    2. Hugo Ball was a German author, poet and one of the leading Dada artists
      is involvement with the Dada movement lasted approximately two years. He then worked for a short period as a journalist, for Freie Zeitung in Bern. After returning to Catholicism in July 1920, Ball retired to the canton of Ticino where he lived a religious and relatively poor life. He contributed to the journal "Hochland" during this time.He died in Sant'AbbondioSwitzerland of stomach cancer on September 14, 1927

      The founding of the Cabaret Voltaire was the beginning of dada ZurichSwitzerland. It was founded by Hugo Ball, with his companion Emmy Hennings on February 5, 1916 as a cabaret for artistic and political purposes. Other founding members were Marcel JancoRichard HuelsenbeckTristan Tzara, and Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Jean Arp. Events at the cabaret proved pivotal in the founding of the anarchic art movement known as Dada
      The urinal 
      Fountain is a 1917 work produced by Marcel Duchamp. The piece was a porcelain urinal, which was signed "R.Mutt" and titled Fountain. Submitted for the exhibition of the Society of Independent Artists, in 1917, the first annual exhibition by the Society to be staged at The Grand Central Palace in New York, Fountain was rejected by the committee, even though the rules stated that all works would be accepted from artists who paid the fee. Fountain was displayed and photographed at Alfred Stieglitz's studio, and the photo published in The Blind Man, but the original has been lost.

      Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

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