Wednesday 29 April 2015

my chosen character

The characters mask I have chosen to make is capitano.
His looks include:
Colourful patchwork outfits(both trousers and tops)including a white ruffle under his shirt.I thought about making a clay hat to go with it.
He wears a curvy hat that may be either blue or white(depending on what the designer prefers) .In the play his characteristics are portrayed as being very self indulgent (to the point where it becomes negative).He will talk big but when it comes to a fight will try and avoid it usually cowering in the face of enemys.
Below is a image of the mask that Capitano weres:
The mask has a red/Orange tint to it.with a dark black moustache. 
The mask it's self looks angry which doesn't really go towards the self loving characters that I've read about.
This is my version(that keeps the shape but has had a slight bit of detail added to give it a bit of difference.

Monday 27 April 2015

Pictures taken in my free time

Taken outside my house when my cat was sat on our gate.I think that the weather and darkness outside makes it look nicer.If I darked the image a bit I could make it out to be a monster on a gate.

Taken in Clumber park with slight sun beam in the left corner.

Taken in the outdoors when I went on a trip with my dad.The picture was interesting because of the fire that is setting off smoke in the back ground.

Taken in my bathroom

The picture's above were taken in preparation for class.Many had gone through Instagram filters put onto them.A lot of these pictures were a test to see how the different teqniques on them.Some used filters,saturation, light and dark.
Other effects are lost on me but I do remember Valencia pro.

Friday 24 April 2015

hooves idea continue

For My idea I wanted to search up and become as familiar as I could with the hooves of both horses and deers.It bought hat by actually look at a diagram it would give me some actual knowledge on the anatomy. 
Shows the bone structure of the hove its self.

Accurate drawings of horses hooves

I also searched for a video hat would help me get a Ida if how horses moved as well.the video below is a horse trainer talk throughout he alerts of' training'  a horse.

artist/designer influence (idea wip)

For my final picture I have in mind the idea of bring the monster sort thing that will be included in my picture/Polaroid.My ideas take massive influence from a costume designer (who I have followed for many years over facebook)who goes by the name 'Psychara'.Psychara herself attends festival's in all the costumes she makes herself.
Here is one of her main pieces that I want to take the biggest influence from:

The costume above heavily resembles a deer or fawn.This is shaped by the long fur covered legs.This main part is what I want o focus on as it really does make you go' wow'.Also I would like to make horns like this (although they Would  be black like the rest of my outfit) .
For my idea I already own a pair of platfotms.I will be aiming for this type of shape(though I may need to edit them slightly in photo shop as my shoes do not have quite a point to them
For this idea I will study further into feet and how I will complete the look.
I may consider wrapping tape around my feet and padding them out a bit to give them the shape.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

clients thoughts on costume (design problems)

The review,from the persona whom wore my Toad head was that:
It was sometimes hard to see our of the mask as the eye holes were a bit further then her actually eyes.It would have been nice to have gotten a waist coat but I never found one while looking in charity shops.Mask was a bit narrow.
Was over computable and roomy.Costume was overall nice.

My designs generally looked like what I had in mind especially when it came to the eyes(which I was most impressed with).The mouth also came out quite well. The size of the head was a little to small for the client in certain parts and in the future I will make sure to do several measurements to ensure this doesn't happen again.The clothes themselves were the right size bit I wish I had had more time to try and make a belly (as toad was larger then how my design turned out).my design weight wise was fantastic as it was light and had juat the right amount of space so it was easy to move around with.There we're no problems in that department.
This asks o goes for stability which was not a issue with both the head and the costume.
If I could I would like to go back to colouring my toads head in and May be chose a lighter colour paint as it's skin came out a lot more darker then intened.Also I would have liked to make this mouth a bit smaller.
Would  be over easy for someone else reproduce if needed.

comedies dell'Arte meaning and general ideas

Commedia dell’arte  is a form of theatre characterized by masked “types” which began in Italy in the 16th century and was responsible for the advent of the actresses andimprovised performances based on sketches or scenarios. The closest translation of the name is “comedy of craft; it is shortened from commedia dell’arte all’improvviso, or “comedy of the craft of improvisation”. Originally, it was called commedia all'improviso. This was to distinguish the form from commedia erudita or learned comedy that was written by academics and performed by amateurs.
*Taken from wikipedia
Below are pictures that show examples of Comedies Dell Arte:
Shown in full colour.
All characters shown in the above pictures are from the play its self.These include those who are in masks and those who are not.We can see the level of detail in each characters design and how they are shown in different ways to express their character traits.The Comedies dell Arte is geared more towards 

Monday 20 April 2015

Polaroid images and research

Below are images I have used as inspiration for my Polaroid picture.All pictures below are styled to be more creepy(including common hoax like ghosts and aliens).
I found this picture intresting because it showcases a mixture of diffrent faces that are showing in black and white.Some look more like printings 

Famous Hoax pictures and references

To give myself a good idea of what would come under Hoax I decide to look up common ones on google.Most I noticed had something to do with mythical creatures or beings of some kind.
Pictured above is the lockness monster image.
As we can see from the two examples above the lockness monster us a quite popular hoax created by (what I assume is)shadow play.On the picture you can not make any actual detail out but it is just visible enough to know it is something unique and unrecognized.
On the newspaper clipping below it you can see some theories to how it was made.
The person here say it is a man made toy submarine
Another very common hoax is aliens and the fact that they may have been discovered.We have along the way made up our own ideas of what they would look like so it is never actually confirmed if they would visit us,let alone if they exist.
Most hoax photos including aliens always seem to be,either spaceship sightings(UFO for short) or alien experiments.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Front cover work (ideas to final design)

For the front cover of my Comic I decided to look at multiple things,first was the text for my comic,Here are some examples I considered in my research:
I found this one quite intresting in the way it was very thin(compared to the other fonts I had looked at)Also I found it very simple and considered it for my comic.

I liked this one especially because of its bold,attention seeking,layout.The more dramatic the word,the bigger the font would be.
I came to the conclusion that,although both font ideas were nice,I would stick to drawing the lettering by hand as I belive it gives a nice touch to the book front.

After my search for a font came to a end I began looking at diffrent comic layouts (some good examples I could find were in Marvel and DC comics)
Some examples found were:
I stated off by looking at what I imagined would be one of the most intresting comic company's (marvel)to use for examples and ideas.This one appealed to me mostly because it includes one of my favorite characters (which is Wolverine) .But because likes the way that dark shading has been uses to contrast Wolverine from the background (which appears to be a mint green colour).Also the way images have been put in the back ground also makes Wolverine stand out as he is darker then the rest.

This comic by marvel also interested me by the way that one character was overlayed. This made the reader look at two parts of the front cover.I asks o really like the colour scheme that is used for this particular comic As it gives off quite a adult vibe(with all the dark colours) though I do nit think I will be using this as a direct example it is always good to look at other ideas.

This is by my favorite one and the one I will be trying to base my front cover on,what I like most about it is that the head (or man) is in the centre of the page and this becomes the vocal pinot of the front cover. I also like how the other characters are shown to be debating around him.This gives the cover a very intresting look.The colour scheme on the page is not really to my taste(and would not really go with my comic)but is something to keep in mind if I consider doing the front cover in a Marvel esc way.

My final front cover idea (photo reference) :
For my final front cover idea I used one of my class mates hands a s a example to draw from.I then drew the world of Gurms (which I explained in a other blog)in the middle of the hand.
(Insert image)

Thursday 2 April 2015

Evaluation of final comic

Above are screen shots of my work.Most are segments of the comic it's self and not pages 

Final comic strip finished:
Above is the front cover.

My comic was made using Photoshop,illustrator,and mostly my own drawings.The pictures  i took were taken in Bradford lake and around the college.I vastly prefer the pictures taken at bradford as they are better quality.Though the price for all my pictures being in high quality as that this made the computer lag and sometimes it would freeze up completely.I would then uses the images i took in the background and mess around with the brightness,levels,and Hugh and saturation,until i was happy with the picture.I tried to give each picture a dark comic style.This was decided after i did research into different comic styles.
All my characters in the comic really go well with the background.I have enjoyed drawing them out but would have loved to do all the comic by hand.As i had a lot of problems(specially with photoshop).On my past blogs i have explained the characters and their profiles(please see others).I researched layout that would be suitable for my comic and came up with a slightly circular and my comic panels fit in perfectly.
I had before thought of using a sketchy effect for the panels but wanted the back ground to be black(and for obvious reasons this would have not worked).

I was going to have the speech bubbles in grey but had to think of colour blind or those who struggle to see colours.Also by making the bubbles white it attracts people to the comic and the taking parts straight away.
The actual font its self is Papyrus in 0.5pt.I believe that Papyrus suits my comic style as it gives it a slight edge.The font was in a colour black for the simplicty.
The overall project went well though I do feel that it was quite a rush to get it finisged.I am happy that I stayed behind to help get to the end though as I am impressed to see my comic.come to life.If I had chance to do anything differently it would be to have learnt some of the Photoshop tricks before hand (this would have helped in saving more time).Also I would have made ,at least,  a few more pages for my comic.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Visit to Worksop Bus station

Plans and colours for building. Map of the building and the amount of Windows that we will hopfully be filling.Plus a picture of a finished building plan.
View from outside the wall (outside of building)

Outside window (covered partly by a beam)

Picture from the top of the building 
(Picture above are from today at Worksop Bus shelter which is under construction) 
Today we were invited to look around the (wip)Workshop bus shelter. We were shown around all the parts.As we went up to the top we noticed the solar panels and the view wl