Sunday 1 March 2015

Starting comic designs

So to start my project off I decided to look at diffrent styles of comics and the way characters are protrayed:
First off I looked up one of the most common comic styles I know which would in fact be Manga.Manga characters are known for having big eyes(this is supposedly because they are ment to represent innocence like a baby).Manga has a barbarity of diffrent genres like for example,slice of life,romance ,horror,etc...
Over the years manga has began to increase in popularity to such a extent that some books were animated (this is called anime).
Above we see a example of anime/manga.showing the big eye theme.

As I read Garfield when I was little I feel as if it is very close to my heart.I have always adored Garfields lazy nature.As well as having comic books published Garfield was also shown in The Daily mail here is a example seen below:

I find Garfield strips to be quick and snappy which is what I hope to do with my work in the future.I love Jim Davis comic style and also the way he draws each individual character so the are automatically recognizable. I would like yo use his work as future reference in my comics.
For example with Garfields ginger and black fur and eyes I would recognize him.

The next style is the more realistic one(even though the characters them selves my not be).In the sponge Bob comics we see inanimate objects take on life.This  is a great example for our work with comics.In one page we take in a lot of information.

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