Wednesday 25 February 2015

Research into Mr.Toad(characteristics)

Mr.Toads background is that he is the town squire.He is very rich and owns his own house.(he has a soft spot for Harris tweed suits which should be noted)
The characteristics of Toad is Toad is lovable and has his heart in the right place
The way language is used by Mr.Toad is that he is quite well spoken (because of his rich background).
Personality of Mr.Toad is that because of how rich he is this can make him quite mean and narcissistic As well As it is said that he lacks in basic common sense .But other wise is very intelligent and creative.
Toads relationship with Mr.mole is shown because Mr.mole knew Mr.Toads later farther.
Toads character grows through out the play,this can been seen as the play progresses he starts to feel remorse for his selfishness ( he even gets arrested for crashing his motocar and is sent to jail,which he later escapes by dressing up as a washer woman)
Other images of Toad:
I feel as if this image expresses Toads characteristics. The way he is so relaxed and swarve.His posh (well off) air i s shown through his cigar and posh gloves.
Most of the other characters don't wear the type of clothes that others do. With toad being so rich e often indulges in pleasures.Though toad does appear to have a lack of common sense some times(The prison episode being a examle)

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