Wednesday 25 February 2015

wind in the williows research

For the wind in the willows costume design I decided to look up what the costumes from the plays
looked like and how they were designed to be used around the stage.
here are some examples I found;
Both actors and actresses sometimes wear horns and head gear that relates to their chosen animal.
As you can see , depending on which play you look at, the details on the costumes range.
I have noticed that a lot of the characters appear to be wearing large trench coats and overalls . Maybe this is something to consider in the future when I design my outfit.
Colours appear to be quite dull(depending on which character you look at.
I also searched up the original book characters in their outfits, here are some examples:
Here we see toad in a trench coat and large gloves.
The colours he wears are mostly brown. Both pictures depict Toad as being quite elegant in fashion(compaired to the others).
Badges look features a scarf and brown, dull colours . He owns a massive brown jacket
and a strippy underneath top.
Mole wears suspenders and large trousers. His colours mainly feature white and brown. Like all characters he has black shoes.

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