Wednesday 1 March 2017

In this essay I will be speaking about historical artists such as Dante Gabriel Rosetti and a new comer to the art world named Tara Booth. I shall be talking about the very movements they considered themselves to be in looking particularly closely at the Pre-Raphliteand the equalist movement to what lengths this effected their work considering factors such as the political,social,and religious elements.

A look into the work and history of Dante Gabriel Rosetti:
Dante Gabriel Rossetti became part of the movement group named the pre-Raphlite brotherhood. The brotherhood was formed of seven artists including William Holman hunt,John Everett Millais, And Rosetti himself. Like the other members of the group Rossettis intentions was to emulate the lush scenery and fair maidens of the medieval times. In his work these pieces would often be filled with illuminating colours which would have been used in the era this was his way of recapturing or more accurately reproducing the glorious figures that would often be seen in churches. This style would later be known as romanticism which was largely used in the brotherhood.
Rosettis main choice of medium was in fact paint on canvas which most of work would be done on though he dabbled with other medium including Pencil sketches, Wood cut illustrations, and one  decorative art piece.
Rosettis work was Highly influenced by his religious views.Many of his works of art had hints of noble and religious disposition.this could be Connected to the oxford movement,a movement also known as the Tractartion movement,which looked towards recreating Christian traditions.
Other elements that effected Rossetis work was the ever developing European symbolist movement which was a nineteenth-century art movement consisting mostly of poetry and other arts(such as painting)Using this movement later on in his life Dante began to take his work into the direction of physical Eroticism.His paintings in themselves and gradually the women in them became more chacterized by dense colours.
looking deeper into one of these pieces,prodomentally one of his most well known pieces 'Lady Lilith'(1867). Done using watercolour and gouache on paper Rossetti set out to capture the allure of a women physical appearance. In this painting in particular he included a long ginger haired figure named Lilith ,whom would mostly be found in Jewish ligature and beliefs often spoke about when referring to the story of Adam and Eve .In said literature Lilith was known as Adams intended wife or mate whom refused to submit to him so as result was banished and replaced with a new counterpart names Eve.Rosetti would often include Lilith in his work and also sonnets which would be dedicated to her.
My personal opinion on this piece is that it is by far one of my favourites he has done. Partly down to the beautiful mass of foliage and flowers in the back and foreground bringing in a strong element of romanticism and also using the typical English perception of  'delicate flowers' .
Another point in the painting i enjoyed was the composition, the shoulder slightly uncovered oe exposed giving a hint of flesh which could give a more seductive or suggestive meaning. Also nothing the posture and how Liliths hair falls down at one side of her shoulder , i feel this gives the picture a dash of elegance and once again shows off the neck and the pale complexion which lilth was known for having.

Tara Booth
While not as well known as the likes of Dante Gabriel Rosetti, Taras growing popularity on social media websites such as Instagram,Twitter,and Etsy have began to raise her notability .while taking this into account there is still limited information regarding tara so all sources are taken from her direct words.Taras work would mostly feature characters and women(usually herself or the people who would be seen around her)These people would often be seen interacting with themselves or other people.Also would be seen interacting with the environment they were in.Unlike other artist whom use humans and body in their work hers differ in the way that they are cartoonish and simple yet are fitled with patterns.Many of her people donning large black thick eyes and big round red lips.

One piece in particular Titled 'peeing in a romper' being one of my favourites she was done so far. The image showed a illustrated tara in a pattered romper attempting to un do it so she could urinating.The image concludes with Tara sat on the toilet completely naked looking agitated.The comedic effect of the facial expressions (which can always been seen in her work)make sit even better and more personal for those whom have experienced the same.i personally feel that this piece shows interaction at its core maybe not with humans but how we interact with objects.Much like this image Taras work revolves around expiernces and what we as humans expiernce whether that be how we interact with ourselves or how we interact with other people.Expanding on her idea of expieranences tara appears to target those of women looking at simple tasks we do(some of which would seem minute )and express our annoyance.Many of her paintings express her character as being one of free body(showing her walking around nude or as she pleases).This leads me to believe that her work could be considered in either the feminist or equalist  movement especially when  looking at her piece titled 'My body my choice' done with simple acrylic paints.

Comparing and contrasting the two
While both artists lived in different eras and were considered in different movements one thing that connected them is the people who were as the centre of their work,the women they captured,the way they acted,and seen by others.Comparing Dantess 'Lady lilith' and Taras 'My body,my choice' could suggest that both strive to create women who are strong and free willed.And while their paining styles may differ they still get across their message just as strong

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