Sunday 5 March 2017


Plagiarism is when someone is else's work is taken or reproduced without the original owners convent.This is also known as Theft or piracy in some cases.Some examples of plagiarism are as followed:

  • Taking some ones essays or notes even if said person has given permission, and trying to pass them off as your own.Also note this includes essays that have been acquired or bought online .
  • Coping or using work that you yourself have puplished .
  • Not crediting the original owner of the work .
  • Trying to sell their work without their permission.
  • To actually steal some ones intellectual property.

Plagiarism is not always prevalent in just written work it can also be seen in other places . For example
Using music or lyrics without their Permission or preforming another persons copyrighted music.
Using images or photographs without thier permission and using them in your own work.
Making a video using footage from other sources.

Source: 'The little book of Plagiarism'
5th edition April 2016
Author: University of Stirling 
Taken: 3rd of march 2017
Page: 1-2

The consequence of using plagiarism in my work:
Using plagiarism in my own work could result in multiple actions being taken wheather that be a essay that will be submitted for approval.. This can also extend to copying a image by drawing the same as another artist and trying to pass it off as my own .Most importantly that my work could not be submitted or would be rejected and making achieving a grade impossible.Breaking copyright laws in higher education (such as university's) could mean failing my course but could also result in being kicked off of my course and in most serious cases being taken to court, if the victim of plagiarism decides so.

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