Friday 10 March 2017

Project proposal idea:
Name idea: Scars;Exploring scars on the human body

How did i think of this concept:
The idea for this brief came to me when i was sat in a cafe in nottingham,one that was usually littered with students.As i sat down so did a girl at the table in front of me.She pushed her long curley ginger hair(which automatically caught my attention due to my extensive exposure to the pre raphiltes and my unrest in Dantes work and lilith as a whole).Her open back top revealed quite a lot of red scratch marks,something i assumed auto magically to be the result of sexual contact as it is common for a partner to cling to another and dig their nails in.Through looking at the scars my mind processed the though of scars on the body. Thoses that are done by accident or those that have formed over a while(even thinking of those that are with us when we are born or those that our mother would get when giving birth to us namely a C section).This idea appealed to me as i have always been interested in the body as anyone who knows me would know but felt i should move away from ares we all have (E.G breasts and genataila) and maybe move onto something that is more unique to us as a human being.Not everyone would have the same scratch marks as the lady i saw and this is quite a interesting concept.once again bringing back the idea that we are all individuals and our body's are all so different.
 I also drew on my own person expiernces, being that, when i was younger i had a condition known as commonly as 'Slapped skin syndrome' something i got from birth.This would make my skin peel and i would sheed (very much like a snake would) but the difference was that it would be extremely painful but after a year of being in hospital i finally recovered from this though this left a mental scar on my parents as for a year of my life i was confined to my hospital bed and could not be picked up,on the rare occasions i had to bathe i would scream as the hot water was to much for what skin i had.Even so This still effects me to this day specially on my arms and leg,sometimes my neck making my skin come off on shreads. Also this has damaged my skin to the extent when any type of liquid i make contact with is uncomtable. Below are some image son my arm though they don't really show the redness and the hair follicles that are not a odd colour:

I feel that i can take this concept in multiple directions maybe going back to my original idea of missing fine art.Maybe making a picture of a human that when rubbed could come to pieces.This then could be rubbed and rubbed(also making it a interactive piece).I will be looking for artists whom have done similar though when i put in scars self harm is always prevelent.I shall continue my research into this while finding possible body images that would be good to put my idea on to

What i hope to get out of this is a true idea and a grasps of scars.I want to be able to get across my idea that we all have the and they are a part of us.I want this message to be strong but put simpley through my image(and making it look like some type of help line image or a cry for help)Also though doing this i want to be to expand on feed back that has been given by my tutors and to get the confidence back that was lost from my failure Mock FMP.

What i plan to do to help me achieve this goal:Research into scars that we as humans get.I will be excluding self harm in this instance as ai want to concentrate on the types of scars that are not self generated.I will be looking at ones that can be formed from birth or appear on the body after a while.
i will be drawing on my own experience.BUT the key in all of this is to experiment and experiment and to not just to stick with one media and thats it.To not stick with pen because its my medium to go further
My negative points in my work as stated above my negative points is my desire to stay the same and to not change my work to not break what is not broken as strange as it sounds. I want this project to challenge me just as the Space one did but go further and really go the mile not just proceeding work i feel it is pretty
Another thing i want to learn from or by is to take note and try and develop my work from others constructive criticism but filter out the flat out mocking of my work.

Artists i have picked up so far;
Egon schiele
While trying to grasp a idea i had began to look at Egon schiele again,as before hand his work had slipped under my radar. I looked at his work mainly for the only shaped characters and humans he drew in his work.I wanted move over to the more only contruced side of human bodies so felt his work was best to look at.I also wanted to go with a medium i had never really looked at(and how to mix it) this would be Ink and water colour something i never thought to look at before now mainly because i was wrapped up in my own little commutable bubble).i want to use his work to make the craziest and also relatable image yet.
One piece in Egons work i have looked at so far:

Diana Crawford
I have been looking at Dianas work since i started the FMP.Her idea of pure chance with her work is something i liked from the minute i saw it.She has very little con roll over it so was never disappointed with the results.Her choice of medium was Alcohol ink different to what i use.This would come out stronger then the normal type i use.I have tried out some of Dianas work to a point but wasn't as successful the first time. i will most likely continue to experiment like before but put a big twist on it.
One piece of Dianas work i have looked at so far:
This piece has been discussed in past blogs.

What mediums i shall be using or experimenting with
So far i have prodementally been using ink but have been trying totally different method with it.Using string to get strong and also messy lines.Using ink to print with not concentrating on the line work but making bulky figures.
My future ideas of mediums would be paint and ink or paint and water colours (just like Egon )
and drawing from other artist whom uses pure chance and no persuasion in her work to make faces.

Influences outside of artist 
Books and a lot of them! Something which i feel has been lacking in my work.Research that isn't from internet articles.Something i had noticed in my last FMP was the lack of physical research.This was most likely a strong reason why my work lacked.Books can be a good resource as man of the artists i look at are well known so usually have one or two books dedicated to them.
Social media as always but trying to stay away from that for now while i get my feet

6 Diffrent types of scars ,
found on Dermefface,Webmaster,(2010),,Internet article
All images are subject to/taken by:,Internet article.
Types include:

  • Atrophic: scars that are depressed, flat against the upper layer of skin,can sometimes be considered as Hyperpigmentated. Which is when certain areas of the skin develop darker pigments.

Hypertrophic scar: Caused by loss of tissue, These scars occur because of excessive tissue that develops over skin opening caused by infections or wounds.

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