Friday 10 February 2017

looking into the space we interact in ideas

The basic ideas
As i was wanting to take this project in a different direction to what i had initially planned i looked into human interaction (The space we inhabit). I first listed all the most generic places where we would interact with someone or most likely take up their space.Wanting to also think into personal space a lot more.
images for reference taken from the links listed;

My initial thought was to look at common places that included space (and my idea of it). The first was the doctors including places like the Dentist, options,waiting rooms, and even interview rooms. These ideas came to my head most because of the fact that i myself had been in many of these places and had had to have sat next to some one whom i would either rather not sit near/or sat next to some one i otherwise would never think to engage 9in.Many times i could feel like my personal space/or personal bubble was being invaded thus bringing life to my FMP idea.

Starting my ideas off:
I also wanted to bring in my idea of abstract and my illustration skills so i stated expanding my thoughts;while trying new medium i decided to mack up one of my ideas this was a quick image 
the result was something i was very happy with;

This image was made in a lecture and contains sides of tables,shapes,human form pieces constructed into abstract.To put it simply i took elements of certain objects or people and drew them up. concentrations more on the lines of the body.
I enjoyed this idea so much i decided to carry it on further (MOST OF THIS WORK CAN BE FOUND IN MY SKETCH BOOK)
Carrying on my idea of shapes and line i decided to paint up some ideas (feeling that not only was this good practice but would be great 
 my portfolio work.

What helps the most;
A critical part of my work has always been observing people and the environment this project still continued such observations.But i did not feel inclined to do so i felt joy.

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