Wednesday 22 February 2017

Artist reference: Saman Khatibi

 left image: 'No ones going quietly'*1                    Right image:'With tenderness and longing'*1

*2'Working across painting, sculpture, embroidery, and tapestry, Khatibi envisions scenes that emphasize primal impulses and power struggles among human beings. “I am interested in the male-female interaction, and the thin line that exists between our fears and desires,” Khatibi says. Recent paintings follow a group of white nude females in exotic landscapes, where they commingle with wild animals—riding alligators, hunting rabbits, draping snakes and octopi over their shoulders. “My women are vulnerable and yet predators at the same time. They are also depicted within the same plane as the animals, who represent power, danger, and our primitive instincts,” she says, though she notes that the women have an ambiguous relationship with power, violence, sensuality, and one another. “I suppose they are all me—and they are all bits and pieces of us all,” she offers. Khatibi’s works will feature in solo shows this fall at NICC Vitrine and Super Dakota in Brussels and The Cabin LA in Los Angeles.'

This quote was directly sourced from the a reputable and correct course. I felt it was very nessasery to mention as i have experimented with similar/same mediums as the artist.

Artists methods and mediums:

Initial thoughts:
While looking for artist who illustrated similar to myself and ideas for general layout i came across
Saman Khatibi who's colourful and all most pre raphlite work attracted me; I found the two images to be polar opposites of each other (not just because of the bright blue happier perception of 'No ones going quietly') but because of what the women depicted in the two paintings could be seen doing.Skinning animals and the dead carcasses of animals really pushed aside the initial thoughts of how beautiful the images were.I feel both these paintings try to get across how we in the past days interacted with our surrounds and what we would call food (though i myself do not indulge in  this type of act).

What do i take from these images? 
while these images do not hold a massive influence when it comes to my theme of space i feel i can look at the genral interaction between the figures and also the chance to take my work in less plain content and give the viewer a more uneasy feel

*References and sources:
1.Website found:
Date found: 22ND Wednesday 2016
Direct quote from artist;

2.Website found on
date found: 22nd wednesday 2016
Images directly found from artist

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