Wednesday 30 November 2016

Study skills and what they are/Copyright and plagerism

In this section of my blogger i will talk about how study skills are useful and essential in my future work.
What is a study skill (or skills):
A study skill (also known as a study strategy is a approach to learning.These study skills are used to improve grades and are useful for learning throughout a student/persons life.

Why it is important to use study skills:
Study is important as it is a essential part of a students learning as they are able to develop a complete education and also will provide them with the chance to develop a study habit,Time management skills, and self discipline.

Why study skills are good for a college student like myself:
In todays corriculam is is required to take notes of key skills which are listed above.Besides the above it is also good for Note taking, Essay writing,Test taking, active listing, research and memorization .

A breakdown of skills:

Getting organised to study:
This is a cruet; first step.Finding time to practice studies,this can be advised by making a Timetable(Written up as otherwise which helps to focus oneself}.This also helps t
in being able to resist and establish the tasks that are invested.

Personal skills:
Used throughout ones life it is a way people consider their aim in life and set their own goals in order to enhance their performance.

Interpersonal skills:
There are life skills we use to communicate and interact with others.

Visual (spacial) – learning through imagery and spacial understanding
Aural (auditory) – learning through listening, sound, and music
Verbal (linguistic) – learning through speech and writing
Physical (kinesthetic) – learning through hands-on, tactile interaction
Logical (mathematical) – learning through logic, reasoning and systems
Social (interpersonal) – preference for learning in groups or working with other people
Solitary (intrapersonal) – preference for learning alone via self-study

(this is taken from l the ink supplied below)

Plagiarism and Copyright :

Taking someone else work or idea and then attempting to pass them off as your own.This matter (if taken to court) can escalate to a massive bill and if serve can result in a lack of clients.This should never be taken lightly as the amount of effort that can be put into work for some ones else to take credit has been logged over countless times.

A given right to a person/persons/or company which includes legal rights (to sue or win a case in court if any registration is broken)Copy right stands for a number of set year before it is lifted(so to speak).Copy right can be put on things such as Print, publish, perform, film,recorded litter, art or artists style of work.Copy right can also be identified by the (c)  or tm which can most of the time been seen near a logo or idea or be found in the copy right section of a companies in their terms and condition.

A explanation of why these both exist:
Both Copyright and court orders for plagiarism exist to protect the publisher/company that published the original work for a certain period of time(that has been specified from paying money).If this is preached then said person who had their worked copied has a a right to sue and take said work/music/media  down.

Example or examples of  where they may be breached:

A example of this is i were to cover a song (lets say a Nirvana) and did not give them credit and were to state that it was their song then this would be a case for copy right from  the studio or producers.Sometimes this is done by mistake but can still be taken seriously by bigger studios as they don't want any profit made without being included.

Example of when there has been infringed rights:
One case of infringement wars was between two very well companies by the name of Apple and Micrsoft. what started this off was that a newer laptop microsft sent put looked almost identical as Apple.Soon microsoft changed the list of things which was over 30  things that had been identified at the time.Soon after the dispute had been closed(this hadn't been the first time this had happened).

please see link below for more infomation:

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