Wednesday 23 November 2016

Quick poses/Nude models influences

These pictures were sourced from a Website called
These are general images used in a quick mode which would flash up the images in intervals deiced by myself (some times these would be a minute or longer depending on how detailed i wanted to make the work) this was a great idea as it forced me to maybe through away some of the detail in order to finish the piece.

These images would be used to help me with my ideas and drawings to do lilth( see last post for details).I felt the way some of the women would pose would be good to help me get used to drawing them in perditions other than standing.

A particular nude model that i have found that i have liked and been using in my work: Her name is:
Vex tape:
Vex Ashley
 Venus flytrap 🐚 I make films with @fourchambers and exist naked on a computer screen. - vex [at]

Another good thing about her whole being is she as a past artist and used this to influence her work. i fee like this is easily communicated through her work and her whole look (which very much reminds me of what would have been seen as a nymph or siren what with the long hair and (to me) pretty features also the fact she wears very little make up(like the nymphs would have assumed )Also puts  my thoughts across.
Below are some of the images i have taken form her instagram(which she is most prevalent in) :

All pictures i have supplied though she does also run a very interesting change l(consisting of porn and pornographic content ) the main reason i follow he channel (besides for all the nude models and honestly some great imagery and compositions) is also for the fact that she was a good concept of what she wants to have the film filmography to look like . All of her films have a different look but ALSO LOOK very mythical and unreal.Over all i feel that studying her films is a great idea and while some may find it strange that i actively watch porn(which i am not afraid to admit0 i feel it is very important to note.

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