Tuesday 8 November 2016

Artists and influences and progression

My idea:
Ideas generated while thinking of ideas for my ideal world.This could be a paradise with everything i could ever wish for or place where all the things i hate no longer exist.For my first i wrote down:
'Freedom for all (body and mind) free love, happy minds,A world where both genders are equal.
Positive images could be used:
Leafs(nature) pines and other woodland trees,Green(being green and friendly),Health(could be interpruted as a person with a healthy glow or good complexion,good body weight though this is for the eyes of the beholder).Garden of health.

Results that come up when i searched Health(along with meanings):
Using the words as fuel for my artwork and to help with my influences
The state of being free from illness or injury.
"he was restored to health"

good physical condition, healthiness, fitness, physical fitness, well-being, haleness, good trim, good shape, fine fettle, good kilter.

used to express friendly feelings towards one's companions before drinking.exclamation: your good health; noun: your health; plural noun: your healths; 

these ideas will go into searching up the relevant images to follow my work on.
carrying on from this images search i looked at what would be considered a healthy person and soon found all the examples above would be taken into consideration to make a healthy person:

I feel most images followed suit in showing what would be typical heathy person though none really diffrened. So from this i moved to a time(or more like a section of time where there would have been  good example of healthy humans from this the idea formed to look at the garden of Eden which included Adam and Eve who were known for being the first humans with a example of good health.

Adam and Eve( a brief synopsis):
The general story of Adam and Eve :
n the second narrative, God fashions Adam from dust and places him in the Garden of Eden. Adam is told that he can till the ground and eat freely of all the trees in the garden, except for a tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Subsequently, Eve is created from one of Adam's ribs to be Adam's companion.

In Jewish folklore, from the satirical book Alphabet of Ben Sira (ca 700–1000 CE) onwards, Lilith appears as Adam's first wife, who was created at the same time (Rosh Hashanah) and from the same dirt as Adam.n Hebrew-language texts, the term lilith or lilit (translated as "night creatures", "night monster", "night hag", or "screech owl") first occurs in a list of animals in Isaiah 34:11, either in singular or plural form according to variations in the earliest manuscripts.\
The main part of lilth i want to concentrate on is the very famous picture of lilth done by :

Dante Gabriel Rossetti:
A man said to be obsessed with lilth (it was said that he wrote a whole poem to do with her as well).I wanted to focus on this image as my reference for her looks and mannerisms as i feel it shows her in her simplest form.
 A verse i found relating to Lilth (which had been attached to the picture Rossetti had done of her);
"Beware of her fair hair, for she excells
All women in the magic of her locks,
And when she twines them round a young man's neck
she will not ever set him free again

Something i shall be keeping as i feel it is a great way to think of her.My thoughts are she is seen as bad and evil as she was cast out for not wanting to lay with Adam and not want to be sevserviuant to him either. This was seen as evil hence why she was cast out.

I felt over all lilth was the best to use in my work as she could(in many ways) be considered a idol and maybe a role model for those who didn't want to feel forced into society norms.A very powerful female figure.

A general break down of my goals:
Freedom being shown in the way of bodies and the ability to do what one wants without being judged.

Daviderankore (Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/daviderankore/)
Style: Ink and biro on paper.
Below are images from his Instagram:

Unfortunately there is next to no information on this artist but i feel like his art speaks for its self.Most pieces are centred around victorian families (or old images) and have a horror or gore twist.Some of the images could be seen as graphic but i feel like this adds to the weird charm.One of the main reasons i have tried to add Davids work into my own is because of his black and white style(which i like to use myself).

Below is my favouitre piece done by David:

i have tried to recreate his style using my own topic:

Egon schiele:

His work is noted for its intensity and its raw sexuality, and the many self-portraits the artist produced, including naked self-portraits. The twisted body shapes and the expressive line that characterize Schiele's paintings and drawings mark the artist as an early exponent of Expressionism.He is known for Painting,Drawing and print making.I feel that his drawings and paintings are a good help to me in my idea process as he helps me form ideas to do with the body.Using over drawn features to grab the viewers attention.

Some parts of the body are shaded compared others which are blank.

How i feel both artist will help my work:

I want to get the shape of  egos figures using pictured and nude images i have observed myself and then outline it in davids style(making models sketchy but still have some neat lines.I will continue to try to achieve this but will use different materials all the way.

Further idea development: These ideas will be added to my past thgoughts and ideas (i will still be keeping the lilth idea but wanted to develop some of the images) For one i wanted to take into consideration some other the african art(and traditions relating to this).Although i can not find any information online (i shall keep looking) i can say that is is said to be a sign of strength on a women if she has big hands or feet.

Some examples of ladies who could be seen as stronger for this reason:

though i suppose like every tradition this iS very much a subjective thing.All the same i would like to include this in my work.

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