Wednesday 30 November 2016

Study skills and what they are/Copyright and plagerism

In this section of my blogger i will talk about how study skills are useful and essential in my future work.
What is a study skill (or skills):
A study skill (also known as a study strategy is a approach to learning.These study skills are used to improve grades and are useful for learning throughout a student/persons life.

Why it is important to use study skills:
Study is important as it is a essential part of a students learning as they are able to develop a complete education and also will provide them with the chance to develop a study habit,Time management skills, and self discipline.

Why study skills are good for a college student like myself:
In todays corriculam is is required to take notes of key skills which are listed above.Besides the above it is also good for Note taking, Essay writing,Test taking, active listing, research and memorization .

A breakdown of skills:

Getting organised to study:
This is a cruet; first step.Finding time to practice studies,this can be advised by making a Timetable(Written up as otherwise which helps to focus oneself}.This also helps t
in being able to resist and establish the tasks that are invested.

Personal skills:
Used throughout ones life it is a way people consider their aim in life and set their own goals in order to enhance their performance.

Interpersonal skills:
There are life skills we use to communicate and interact with others.

Visual (spacial) – learning through imagery and spacial understanding
Aural (auditory) – learning through listening, sound, and music
Verbal (linguistic) – learning through speech and writing
Physical (kinesthetic) – learning through hands-on, tactile interaction
Logical (mathematical) – learning through logic, reasoning and systems
Social (interpersonal) – preference for learning in groups or working with other people
Solitary (intrapersonal) – preference for learning alone via self-study

(this is taken from l the ink supplied below)

Plagiarism and Copyright :

Taking someone else work or idea and then attempting to pass them off as your own.This matter (if taken to court) can escalate to a massive bill and if serve can result in a lack of clients.This should never be taken lightly as the amount of effort that can be put into work for some ones else to take credit has been logged over countless times.

A given right to a person/persons/or company which includes legal rights (to sue or win a case in court if any registration is broken)Copy right stands for a number of set year before it is lifted(so to speak).Copy right can be put on things such as Print, publish, perform, film,recorded litter, art or artists style of work.Copy right can also be identified by the (c)  or tm which can most of the time been seen near a logo or idea or be found in the copy right section of a companies in their terms and condition.

A explanation of why these both exist:
Both Copyright and court orders for plagiarism exist to protect the publisher/company that published the original work for a certain period of time(that has been specified from paying money).If this is preached then said person who had their worked copied has a a right to sue and take said work/music/media  down.

Example or examples of  where they may be breached:

A example of this is i were to cover a song (lets say a Nirvana) and did not give them credit and were to state that it was their song then this would be a case for copy right from  the studio or producers.Sometimes this is done by mistake but can still be taken seriously by bigger studios as they don't want any profit made without being included.

Example of when there has been infringed rights:
One case of infringement wars was between two very well companies by the name of Apple and Micrsoft. what started this off was that a newer laptop microsft sent put looked almost identical as Apple.Soon microsoft changed the list of things which was over 30  things that had been identified at the time.Soon after the dispute had been closed(this hadn't been the first time this had happened).

please see link below for more infomation:

Tuesday 29 November 2016

WIP (victorian lady)

My image so far:

I sourced out a portrait picture of a victorian lady and found that it had the type of composition i needed to work with my style i am trying to develop; Here is the work in progress so far(i do not plan to add colour to this picture yet though maybe a splash of red if  i feel this will suit the picture. As i spoke about in my last post i am going to continue to use Daviderankore in my work. I used this picture for my influence

Final piece(being worked on); this was made during private study and was made with programs such as photoshop and illustrator.

A quick sketch\

Friday 25 November 2016

Visting Gallerys and my chosen piece

This is a break down  of a piece of work i saw at the Manchester gallery visit i went to the other day. We were asked to note down a piece we liked (or thought would have some kind of influence on our work).This is the Artist i chose after seeing his work:

John William Waterhouse:
Hylas and the Nymphs

Piece done around about 1849-1917
Oil on canvas 
Artwork about sirens and nymphs who would entice men to their deaths.The man whom had been lured in by the nymphs was said to have never been found by his friends. The mans name was Hylas.
Myth explaining the drowning of a youth amongst Lily eaves and steam
(This was wrote while going around)
Evocation of sensual female flesh: 
Meaning:Act of calling upon or summoning a spirit,Demon,God or other supernatural ancient.Immersion into the deadly allure of the femme fatal.

My thoughts on this piece (while visiting it);Seeing it in the flesh was interesting as it was located in what could only be described as the worst place possible ( this was quite a surprise as it was in quite a well know gallery that being Manchester ).Being in such a bad place gave the image a strange halo around it and also quite a strange shine which really subtracted form the actual beauty which was the image.But while over all it could have been seen as all negative it was good as it drilled it into me that no piece of work is as perfect as the intervener will make it out to be. A computer screen can really never show the picture in its true light. One last thing to note was other pieces of work in the same room had similar issues with presentation (as most were up higher near the lights). I asked my class mates and they said similar to me.Here are some of there opinions:
"Suppose it couldn't be helped but it was off putting,because of the height you couldn't see it, and the glare of the lights didn't help" -Beth 2016
"I would move the picture down to give it more visualisation and more of a close up so you can see more of the detail,there will be some artists who want to see how the artist have mad ether affects on bits of the piece" Vicky 2016

John William Waterhouse research:
A painter who was working in the Pre Raphaelites style.He continued to work this way several years after the Pre raphaelites of the Brotherhood.His known works were Ophelia,The lady of Shallot,And Hylas and the Nymphs (which was the piece i saw in the Manchester art gallery the first time i went).
He borrowed stylistic influences from the early  Pre raphaeleite brothers who worked along side him at that time (many like william hunt,Dante rosseti, and also John Millias) who were known as the Impressionisnt.
His Artwork was known for Depicting Women from Ancient Greek mythology and also Arthurian legend. It was thought that much of his work was influenced by the fact he had lived i nItaly which had been suggested to be his key influences of his paintings (bing set in rome and which base scenes which had been taken from Roman mythology.
Later on in his artistic life he began to embrace the pre raphaelites style of painting ,Although the style had apparently gone out of the style had gone out of style by this time,In the british art scene several decades before.
Some of his work i feel i should look at include such paintings as: The lady of Shallot,Opelia,Circle invidiosa, Hylas with a Nymph, A female study, Juliet, Destiny, The mermaid.

Influences including sirens/Water nymphs:
Latin Mythology is a minor female nature  deity typically associated with  particular location or landform.Nymphs are different from Goddess in the way that they are generally regarded as a divine spirit who animates nature and are seen as being beautiful, young maidens who would love to dance and sing.The forms they took set them apart from the restricted and plain house wives from back then and daughters of the greens of time.
Nymphs were known for dwelling in the mountains regions and forests which would usually be located near streams.They would never die of old age(though they were said not to be immortal and could still die if they were to be injured) unlike the children they could produce(if they were to mate with a god or powerful being). below are some images done of said nymphs:

"Hylas & Water Nymphs" Henrietta Rae
Nymphs, (or Nymphai), are nature spirits. There are three main types of Nymphs: DryadsNereides, and Oreads. Dryads are tree Nymphs. Nereides are water Nymphs. Oreads are mountain Nymphs. Meliades are Nymphs of Ash Trees.

Piece explained above(used for a close up).

Both links are useful and should be used as references for names and dates if needed.

Well known Nymphs went by the names:
Charybdis:Who was known for being a sea monster,later found to be called a whirlpool.
Scylla: Who was a madian with a tail which would have been seen on a Ketos and also had dog heads sprouting from her body. This was seen in many ancient descriptions through others spoke about her being land based and looking more like a dragon(though this was just speculation)
 Dionysus:God of the Vine,Grape,Harvest,Religious ecstasy.

Below is from said link and explains the Pleiades better than i attempted to in my notes i have out a link and will be rewrotin g this in the future:

The Pleiades
There were seven Pleiades, and you can find them when you look in the sky (they are stars).
They were the daughters of Pleione and Atlas (son of Iapetus, the Titan, and Clymene, the Sea Nymph).Their names sometimes vary among mythographers, but are usually limited to seven in number [the number of visible (to the naked eye) stars in the constellation Pleiades (in Taurus)], but all of the following are among those named at one time or another. Their name means "flock of doves".
The seven most named as Pleiades are the following:
Also called Halcyone or Halcyon. Alcyone had a daughter, Aethusa, and two sons, Hyperenor and Hyrieus, by Poseidon.
By Zeus, she bore Lycus and Eurypylus.
Gave birth to Dardanus, by Zeus.
She is the mother of Hermes. She was the oldest and most beautiful of the sisters
She is the seventh and least visible of the stars in the constellation Pleiades; the "shy sister" or "Lost Pleiad". Supposedly she is
hiding in shame for being the only sister to have a mortal lover (Sisyphus). She bore Sisyphus sons Glaucus, Ornytion, and 

In some stories she bore Oenomaus, by Ares.
Taygeta (Taygete)
Begot, by Zeus, Lacedæmon, founder of Sparta. In some versions of the story, she was unwilling to yield to Zeus, and was
disguised by Artemis as a hind to elude him; but he eventually caught her and coupled with her, whereupon she gave birth to
Lacedæmon. She hanged herself in shame

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Quick poses/Nude models influences

These pictures were sourced from a Website called
These are general images used in a quick mode which would flash up the images in intervals deiced by myself (some times these would be a minute or longer depending on how detailed i wanted to make the work) this was a great idea as it forced me to maybe through away some of the detail in order to finish the piece.

These images would be used to help me with my ideas and drawings to do lilth( see last post for details).I felt the way some of the women would pose would be good to help me get used to drawing them in perditions other than standing.

A particular nude model that i have found that i have liked and been using in my work: Her name is:
Vex tape:
Vex Ashley
 Venus flytrap 🐚 I make films with @fourchambers and exist naked on a computer screen. - vex [at]

Another good thing about her whole being is she as a past artist and used this to influence her work. i fee like this is easily communicated through her work and her whole look (which very much reminds me of what would have been seen as a nymph or siren what with the long hair and (to me) pretty features also the fact she wears very little make up(like the nymphs would have assumed )Also puts  my thoughts across.
Below are some of the images i have taken form her instagram(which she is most prevalent in) :

All pictures i have supplied though she does also run a very interesting change l(consisting of porn and pornographic content ) the main reason i follow he channel (besides for all the nude models and honestly some great imagery and compositions) is also for the fact that she was a good concept of what she wants to have the film filmography to look like . All of her films have a different look but ALSO LOOK very mythical and unreal.Over all i feel that studying her films is a great idea and while some may find it strange that i actively watch porn(which i am not afraid to admit0 i feel it is very important to note.

Trip to Manchester (gallery) and Ucas

Pictures taken from yesterday from the manchester Art ground: some of the paintings in there were from artists such as rosette(who i am currently string). i found this to be one of the best parts of the trip as it was exactly what i needed to see.I got to see a
all the paintings up close for the first time and how they shinned.

Another artist who wasn't named. but still caught my eye as it took a human form and combined it with a lovely paint effect.

Rossetti continued: