Friday 10 June 2016

Nottingham Trent uni day/talking with Nicki Hall

Above are general pictures I took while walking around.Nottingham Trent uni. While walking around I felt like it had a calm and real atmosphere where all the students slept to be pretty relaxed and in their element.I managed to catch up with one of the students (who had been doing her course foe 3 years and was coming to the end of it) and Got a lot of great information about the uni and what would be expected of me if I decided to go.
While so spoke about her work it gave me a opportunity to understand the amount of effort that went into every federal and the fact that have a reason behind what you did even if it was the most simplistic thing was key.Also the momey involved and the transport to get to Nottingham seemed a lot easier then other places I had visited (which would have ment me stopping in student a acomindation which would not be ideal due to my lack of money. 
I feel like a little bit of hope was benighted while talking to her and maybe a blurry future that appears to becoming clearer.
If you are reading this and are contemplating Nottingham as a uni I would try seek out.Nikki Hall as she was incredibly helpful and I will be looking forward to talking to her again 
This trip has certainly opened my eyes

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