Thursday 7 January 2016

Research into Nic Collins (sculpture)

To begin my

While looking into different types of sculptures I have given the boption of Nic Collins who is a

Nic has now been using clay for almost 30 years. His first encounters with woodfiring began because he had no other way to fire his work. In his late teens and early twenties he began building kilns and wheels and sourcing his own clay from the local river banks. He experimented with raku, sawdust firings and saltglazing.
*taken from his bio on his blogger
Below is one of his blogs were he describes the process of one of his pots.I find it very interesting as it will help me with ideas for the future..

Some of he's work includes:
What a love about his pots are the texture and the way they
Look anchant and old(even though they are new)the colours add to the old look and makes the pot look so different.
I've done some sketch's in the place of NICs work to get a idea of what I would take from his work:
Above was a painting I did to help me from ideas and give me a sense of the shape I'd be working with.below are some more drawings and concept ideas I went through 

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