Monday 11 January 2016

Notes from presentation and general evaluation on work

My presentation
After i had done my presentation i felt that i had done well (not quite as well as i did in my last presentation).I felt though that my evolution was good(but better on my actual blog) and that by adding pictures taken from my sketch book.It gave people a better idea of what i had started with before hand.
Overall i feel as in my lack of love for this unit showed in my presentation and that it could have been longer.But on the other hand the fact it was shorter could have benefited me as peoples concentration would have been held for longer.

My poster was by far the one i enjoyed doing the most.I found it fun to play around with layout formats.The research i put towards my poster payed off as i got it exactly how i wanted it.
Overall i hope to get top marks on this.
My billboard was one i didn't enjoy as much.Even though i tried to make many different ones,very few made me feel like they represented my product.I had to make a very unexpected change to my final one as the colours i had put on it were to bright and i would not be able to use them on main roads(this would have caused crashes as they were very bright and eye catching).Overall i wasn't that optimistic at the thought of doing a billboard(because of the size and angles i would have to set it up at)but it turned out okay.
Box design:
My box design was a lot harder then any other tasks in Unit 50.I had put more research into finding the right box net and style for the box then anything else(though this started the ideas for my advertisements so in a way it was very much needed)After experimenting with several different box designs i am quite contented with mine(though i wish i could have changed the 60s high end bright patterns).Generally my box was okay besides struggling with what to put in the background(though after some researching and experimenting it went a lot better).
My point of sale was quite easy as i already had in mind what i would do.I looked around stores like Tesco's and sainsbury's and quickly found insperation.I made my own shelf and box containers out of paper and used them in the presentation.I ,of course, constructed the box holder before hand.
Infer graphics:
MY infer graphics was my instructions and was hand drawn and them edited in photoshop.This was quite easy and only took a hour or so to sort out.Overall there not much to say other then i am glad i drew it out and edited it as i feel any other way would have taken longer.Also i felt my instructions were perfect for my product (with the paw prints and all).

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