Friday 30 June 2017

brief (edited in progress)

Rebecca Lister

Project proposal

Section 1:
Even before starting my past projects I had already knew my chosen mediums were illustration and painting due to my love of artists, Like Dante Gabriel Rossetti, which I had researched before hand. Progress on part 1 and 2 of my course revealed that, while my actual illustration style had improved, the content and reasoning for my work had not. Trying to present my image or final piece in an appropriate manor was a weak point, which I needed to improve on. One project that helped increase my knowledge of my chosen medium was the ‘My Manifesto’ as it enabled me to get my points and views across. In future projects I want to carry on these views and also the amount of artist’s research and the artists I found on my journal. Throughout all my past projects I had experimented with mediums such as paint, ink, chalk that I would have never considered in the past. These mediums help me while considering what to use and experiment with and are mediums I would like to use in the future.

Section 2:

The actual concept of my project proposal is Scars, looking at connecting the idea of scars and people together. I aim to look at the different types of scars we receive as a human being and how they are inflicted. Also considering my own personal experiences with scars and the effects they have on me  .As well as looking deeply into the emotional side and trying to make my work evoke feeling whether that is hate, distain, disgust, this is something I will be developing as the project develops. To accompany this I will be looking at artist who works similar to me perhaps on a similar medium as well as ones I can take methods and processes from that I have never previously used like, for example, Matisse who has been a big help in my work so far. Alongside using artists as help I hope to improve my own work.

Section 3:
Throughout the FMP I will be noting down and evaluating ideas that worked and pieces that didn't as I go on as well as tecniques I have used as far. All these will be evaluated on my blogger. While I continue to develop my work i will be taking into consideration how I plan to present my final outcome or review it on a bigger scale. Presenting my work in a exhibit at the end of the year is crucial and receving feedback from classmates via group critic wi8ll be noted down and acted upon.

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