Wednesday 25 February 2015

Research into Mr.Toad(characteristics)

Mr.Toads background is that he is the town squire.He is very rich and owns his own house.(he has a soft spot for Harris tweed suits which should be noted)
The characteristics of Toad is Toad is lovable and has his heart in the right place
The way language is used by Mr.Toad is that he is quite well spoken (because of his rich background).
Personality of Mr.Toad is that because of how rich he is this can make him quite mean and narcissistic As well As it is said that he lacks in basic common sense .But other wise is very intelligent and creative.
Toads relationship with Mr.mole is shown because Mr.mole knew Mr.Toads later farther.
Toads character grows through out the play,this can been seen as the play progresses he starts to feel remorse for his selfishness ( he even gets arrested for crashing his motocar and is sent to jail,which he later escapes by dressing up as a washer woman)
Other images of Toad:
I feel as if this image expresses Toads characteristics. The way he is so relaxed and swarve.His posh (well off) air i s shown through his cigar and posh gloves.
Most of the other characters don't wear the type of clothes that others do. With toad being so rich e often indulges in pleasures.Though toad does appear to have a lack of common sense some times(The prison episode being a examle)

References to stage plays and props

A great example we looked at for stage plays was War Horse which featured horses,made from wood,which were constructed in such a way that they looked real and would move like a real horse.These people had studied the way horses moved for months to make the perfect movement.
Here are the horses that were used on stage:
Here we see the inside of the model of the horse.Two people help move the horse around by moving the hoves. Both people have to get into a similar rytham if they want to successfully control it.
Here is a link to the video that shows how it works:
The video helps us understand how much work goes into props.

Wind in the willows further work

I shall be designing a costume For one of my classmates Vicky.The character that was chosen was Mr.Toad.
Her shoe size is : size 4
Top size: size 8
Trousers size is small: 8-10

I have researred what can be done in the way of teqniques for using card board(as I will be making a head with it).
I have had a idea to make Mr.toads eyes out of cut out milk carton bottoms
I will cut the bottom half so its like this:
I also had the idea for eyes that I could go to £1 shop and find some mini lights that can be attached to look like eyes.
This will be a work in progress but so far I have a idea of what to do(soon will come the construction.

wind in the williows research

For the wind in the willows costume design I decided to look up what the costumes from the plays
looked like and how they were designed to be used around the stage.
here are some examples I found;
Both actors and actresses sometimes wear horns and head gear that relates to their chosen animal.
As you can see , depending on which play you look at, the details on the costumes range.
I have noticed that a lot of the characters appear to be wearing large trench coats and overalls . Maybe this is something to consider in the future when I design my outfit.
Colours appear to be quite dull(depending on which character you look at.
I also searched up the original book characters in their outfits, here are some examples:
Here we see toad in a trench coat and large gloves.
The colours he wears are mostly brown. Both pictures depict Toad as being quite elegant in fashion(compaired to the others).
Badges look features a scarf and brown, dull colours . He owns a massive brown jacket
and a strippy underneath top.
Mole wears suspenders and large trousers. His colours mainly feature white and brown. Like all characters he has black shoes.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

starting wind in the willows (unit 85)

We will be working with the tales of Beatrix potter and costume design.
We will be working with a script as well which will help us developed.
'The characters referred to in the narrative should act out with mime or movement's
We watched videos as a reference e.g

This helped us to see what we should try to make,the costumes are made in such a way that they feels like they are real.Fur and textures look realistic as well.The theme of the video we watched  is ballet.Music was of course played in the back ground.

We also watched some one who talked about designs that were made and how they were made.This is the link to the video

In this video a professional costume designer talked about the process.
She spoke about how the costume interpreted the role and how important it was in the play.Also how you need to think about the fabrics and the design of the period.
Fabrics will help develop the story.

We were shown a trailer of the Wind in the willows production.In this the characters appeared to be more human but with very few characteristics.
The people appeared to be wearing boats and carts.

For future reference I shall have to watch some of the Wind in the willows animations.
This way I will get a better idea of the characters and how they act and what they wear.
Through out the animation no words were actually said and the animation was quite disturbing.

Monday 23 February 2015

Worksop bus station design

One of my ideas for the Worksop bus stain was to use the moon(or more or less the solar eclipse).
This way i could experiment around with different compositions.Since we have not been told yet if we can include colour into our work i have decided to stick with black,white,and grey.
I quite like the colour scheme as well and i personally think it looks quite mystical.
Below is my first design:
This is by far my favourite of the two.As i described above i think the best bit about this is the colours.I used a template of a hand to get the shape(i will try find the template ).
I also researched solar eclipses and found pictures to uses as ideas.
Both pictures show how the moon slowly changes.It also shows the shape which helps.

This was mainly a tester as i wanted to see what the hand would loo like in white and how it would look if i changed the composition.I haven't worked as much on this one purely because i was just curious about how it would look.

Sunday 22 February 2015

interesting take on Free drawing

I decided to give my free drawing a theme of some kind so I searched cacti(as I have a small one in my room) I drew out some quick sketches and then chose one to use as a guide. From there I experimented with builinds,forests,houses and other things that can be seen inside the first picture.I honestly like this picture and when I look at it I can make a vague story out of it.Maybe I can use this for our up coming animation projects? 

Wednesday 18 February 2015

drawing short

Some doodles I did while watching T,V nothing particularly amazing but it was diffrent juat using a Black pen.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Free time drawing

This picture was not taken from any source,more from memory.I had the idea of a 80s hair style(or pinup girl) though didn't have the time to draw the body. I am quite impressed with this picture though and I may work on it in the future.

Monday 16 February 2015

Free drawing

Original picture taken from LOOK fashion magazine. I personally loved the whole outfit and thought it would be quite intresting to draw a picture including lines (like her shirt).
Second attempt at a picture from the same magazine as above. Happy with the hair though I think the sunglasses needs work though.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

final Vortitsum work

This is my final piece which I made using paper,paint,and cardboard.I am very happy with my final piece.Also I am glad that I decided to use cardboard as it makes certain parts of my picture stand out. I made a decision nit to bend pieces of paper and stick them on the
This is my design.

This was what I drew before using pen. Although this one looks cleaner I still think they look simular.