Wednesday 5 July 2017

artist sketchbook influnce

One of my main issues with my work was a lack of evidence as to where my ideas had came from and what my ideas was. one m,aion outlet that never helped me get across my views was infact my slkecthbook so in a attempt to iun do this I looked (simpley enough) was ideas of how to set out a better sketch book while also getting more ideas on how to put across my own.Typing in illustration and fine art sketchbook formats and ideas brought up many different and interstying ideqas one in particular was RACHELLOU who was artist whom like myself dabbled in different formats and idewas while using different matireals Below is a link to her main workl outlet that I feel I will be using more often when I am stuck for ideas:

Below are some of the images of what I would use:

Tuesday 4 July 2017

New artist found (final Fmp idea)

Thoughts and feedback:
Final piece using what i find as fun different methods that i enjoy, Paint (acyrlic),Pencil,throwing things using my anger to create my images,using my anger 

Moving forward:

Artist i found that will help me with my final idea:

link found

Joy Miessi 
Art pieces i looked at:

Using these as insperation in my work for the future 

looking at the way the text asnd the images have been presented I will be using this to help me with my own far I have made some skegtches that I hope will lead up to a final piece.
Video for refrence of her process:

Friday 30 June 2017

brief (edited in progress)

Rebecca Lister

Project proposal

Section 1:
Even before starting my past projects I had already knew my chosen mediums were illustration and painting due to my love of artists, Like Dante Gabriel Rossetti, which I had researched before hand. Progress on part 1 and 2 of my course revealed that, while my actual illustration style had improved, the content and reasoning for my work had not. Trying to present my image or final piece in an appropriate manor was a weak point, which I needed to improve on. One project that helped increase my knowledge of my chosen medium was the ‘My Manifesto’ as it enabled me to get my points and views across. In future projects I want to carry on these views and also the amount of artist’s research and the artists I found on my journal. Throughout all my past projects I had experimented with mediums such as paint, ink, chalk that I would have never considered in the past. These mediums help me while considering what to use and experiment with and are mediums I would like to use in the future.

Section 2:

The actual concept of my project proposal is Scars, looking at connecting the idea of scars and people together. I aim to look at the different types of scars we receive as a human being and how they are inflicted. Also considering my own personal experiences with scars and the effects they have on me  .As well as looking deeply into the emotional side and trying to make my work evoke feeling whether that is hate, distain, disgust, this is something I will be developing as the project develops. To accompany this I will be looking at artist who works similar to me perhaps on a similar medium as well as ones I can take methods and processes from that I have never previously used like, for example, Matisse who has been a big help in my work so far. Alongside using artists as help I hope to improve my own work.

Section 3:
Throughout the FMP I will be noting down and evaluating ideas that worked and pieces that didn't as I go on as well as tecniques I have used as far. All these will be evaluated on my blogger. While I continue to develop my work i will be taking into consideration how I plan to present my final outcome or review it on a bigger scale. Presenting my work in a exhibit at the end of the year is crucial and receving feedback from classmates via group critic wi8ll be noted down and acted upon.

private eye magaszinces (first refrence)

References and artist to use
For one of my ideas i decided to look at one magazine which would be perfect for my researching and a great way to tie in the rest of my work.That was The Private Eye magazine a political and satire magazine.One image i did find was the one shown below which caught my eye mainly became of its use of colours simple images (nothing to complex that couldn't be done) but was the way it had been set out,just a blank background which made the image pop.
I will be taking this into my work and look more into it.

Ink medium drawing, Private Eye,Roystom,(2017),nnbHMw5GK1s/VHiB1122GgI/AAAAAAAAFPw/ahxGX7ayBWA/s1600/royston_paddington_film_cartoon.jpg,found friday 30th 2017,

Another one that really did catch my attention and in some aspects relate to what i was doing was this image:

Nick Newman 

Ink on paper medium, (2017),,image found on Friday the 30th 2017,

Both funny and the type of thing i would draw (breasts be honest ).something i want to look into maybe even merge it with one of my ideas (looking at making me naked and drawing me as such, in shame to represent how o feel or felt towards a certain subject (alone and afraid).
I then took the chance to look more into some of the artist who drew for the paper (as there were more then one that would frequent them).Below are more images found that will be used as reference from the artist above:

link of the private eye cartoon website is link below more for myself:

link to the youtube video of a interview with Ian and Nick9the cartoonist) Part of the private eye crew explaining about the cartoons and their general work, while not effecting my work as such it is still interesting.

refr=eral (evaluation)

(Review of my work)
As of yesterday i found out i had a referral for my work as it was not up to the standard of which it should be to get a pass(which now i have a referral is all i can get).My main goal in the two weeks i have been given is to bring my project together and plug the gap which brought my grades down, Feedback i was given from my tutors was accurate(maybe why it hurt a little too much ) but was something i could achieve in the time i was given . Suggestions that i was given was a s such
My work had a massive leap(which had been effected when i had been given feedback from my tutor which geared me off into a enjoyable but some what fast passed and unexplained direction).
The actual work i had done was okay to look at (had nice styles)but really had no purpose when it came to the way i presented it.AS in it would have been better in a magazine or some type of political or satirical magazine with a type of caption to accompany it
My sketch book didn't show the full extent of how i had switched(my sketchbook was okay but lacked what the tutors looked for but i feel this was a subjective quote as a sketch book cant be wrong it can only be for yourself and for those who don't understand it theres no real answer for it.
Though i may still be a little bit bitter about my work not receiving what i would of wanted praise wise but this is life i suppose.

(Next day research)
Later on i spoke with my tutor again and things were cleared up and i could grasp what i needed to do.And what i could look at.As a mentioned that i had considered putting my work into a style such as private eye (and that i had looked at it ) this gave me the idea to do something or take inspiration from their type of work.This could be drawings or pen work(even paint work) in which there would be a subject and then a little quote underneath giving a hint or giving the looker a clue as to what was going on.
My tutor spoke to me about one drawing that he felt was not only the strongest but the most me out of all my portfolio this was a image that i had quickly sketched out without thought as a practice image. i was going to base my future (or more completion work on this )maybe bringing back my life drawing (which i could include in my folder) as part of my development (drawing out a few quick sketches and including them in my sketchbook
The last piece of feed back i got which really set me off was that i should make my work about me and maybe turn my audience(which was the main and most curtail reason for my low grades)
turning my audience to myself as a women (but not making it all to feminist making it about myself)
 A example i automatically thought of was D.Trump and his grab her by the pussy situation the way that he shaped the men around him to be horrible to women and start to treat them the way he does.
Maybe have a image of me reacting to it or maybe my face in horror as i see trump using my own images.

What i need to do next:
My next thoughts over the next two weeks is to pull my work together (work on another sketch book which simply illustrates my ideas(exploring past mediums in said book) trying some of these ideas on paper and filling my portfolio out further (adding some bits).
Start on and make images even if they are in just inks for final pieces though i would prefer paint so i could still stick with my FMP
Edit my project proposal and print out so that it will be more open to my ideas.
look at the private eye magazines and my research as well as viz and look at the political side and maybe even use the FAT SLAGs from VIZ as some type of inspiration (could do a large amount of detailed sketches which leads up to my final outcome.
And most importantly clean up and paperwork thats important
as well as soon taking down my work.

Resources i should add to my list and use in the future:
Playboy images and sketches in cartoon section
Punch magazine (something which is 99% images )

Sunday 7 May 2017

Artist influnces futher research_Dave Davis

Artist influence:
After the review of my earlier work I decided to expand my knowledge with medium,I wanted to look particularly at my tutor
Link to daves online Art profile(outdated but still relevant):
Unfortunately this was all I could find on line when attempting to look for his work,Below are some of his art pieces that were for sale,

Guardian 3

Asking the artist:

Friday 5 May 2017

Artist Pablo picasso

To continue with my new idea i wanted to look at artist whom would work well alongside it.Looking into (as suggested by my tutor) Degenerate art. i looked at one artist whom i was familiar with and also felt would work the best.This was:
Pablo Picasso:
Known for his crazy,colourful and distorted faces Pablo was never known for portraying normality.
i wanted to combine some of Pablo's style while working on my own.Looking to experiment with distorting faces and taking the worst out of some one and projecting this on them.

Below are some some of his well known (and relevent pieces) that i would like to use in this FMP:

The weeping women,1937,oil acrylics