Thursday 26 November 2015

displacement and degenerate art

Books,writers,and artist were attack.1937 held up the art the hated 30000 went to it and laughed.
Many artists flees and other killed themselves.The nazis called it modern artist were degenerate.
The art scared the nazis and they wanted to control it.back then hitler was rejected by the college and he thought that only true art was the one that represented the world. He painted and sold post cards to make money.This put towards his hate of the art.expressionism art was made to go beyond figures and used violent colours.people reacted badly to it as it was considered mad (kukoskas work).1914 young Germans fought.kukoska went mad and even sketched a wound he was going to have and soon got.the effects of war got to all.Adolf found happiness in the war until german surrendered and he became unhappy soon going into politics.Germany was in chaos and Hitler made the National socialist 1924 emerged from a prison for trying to over through German politics he blamed all that had made him suffer calling them jews and degenerate (central aspect with symptoms).In Berlin modern artist florist.Few people cared about Hitler's idea and Berlin became the capital of the art world.Max beckman was praised as a true German and artist but was transformed as of the war and was discharged.1920 Beckman was still haunted by the war.1929 broke the german country's back and 50,000 people lost jobs people felt betrayed and Jews along with others were blamed (they were called a sickness).1933 German parliament deadlocks and Hitler is appointed Minster (?)books were soon burned in fires made by the Nazis.Carl marks and eimstein we're just some whos books were burnt.people Tryed to hide there views in fear or were taken to camps.bauhouse was closed by the nazis and others fired.
films were effect and band and abstraction was forbidden.Classics were not permitted.All forms of modern music was attacked and band.Streams of propaganda were everywhere.1000s of Marchs celebrated the years of German culture.1937 the house of German art open and selected by hilter who said it was German art(which was for sale).'Racially pure women and men' people spoke.Art there was quite macho and nudes which were many.
People said it was close to the was subjective to women and sexist either showing women naked or as mothers.People found this attractive as it held up paintings that were not considered good.The nazi war against work came to a close and many were stolen.they were told these pictures were sick.
112 artist we're singled out as degenecente.Artist the nazis didn't like we're going to be llquidated.
The death of Art in Germany great work was being mocked.renaming art work.June 1938 committed suicide
(Ludvick kurkner).he destroyed his own work.omeali noldver the nazis put the cop to follow him so he couldn't paint and people could smell the oil.van gosh,mertis etc paintings were all sold.Everyear Hitler had a new expedition and he would buy a lot of work (264 were bought one year).1933 tomis mon great writer fled Germany saying that there are not two Germans one being good and bad and no one can say they are good or bad.
Expressionism-Considered themselves the mentally ill in the world of art.
National socialism were the opposite of politics.
Every year there was a exerbition of hitlers favourite work.

Ai Weiwei(artists and movie)
Activist.Art critics against them.Police storm how studio and arrest him.Some of his work shows this.walks around London carrying a blanket with another artist.he sometimes promotes himself in diffrent way.Ai weiwei talks about his work at the royal academy saying he feels such a fascinating character with the chess player saying he is admirable.his work he says he has very little knowledge and he was contemporary he likes disot Paul.he loves warhol axcisty as a modern man.he says he has been victimized by the political struggle he says he trays to escape from that.if. He has strong opinion he says he will express it this he speaks of is his job.
One of the exhibition pieces were pots that had be dipped in paint.Some had companies painted on them like coca-cola and such. Another part was the series of three pictures that had him dropping a historical pot.this was supposed to symbolize that he loved the culture but he wanted something new.
He says he would have no regrets being in prison if he spoke his mind.He says he was heavenly monitored and had his health checked a lot.h says in art you have to transform your feeling into something that can tell a story to another and you can not fore some one to feel the same way as you. But you have a responsibility to make sure your language is clear.Sunflower seeds work to search talking about you are walking on the population people would Lay on them but caused a risk because of the dust.Some were picked up.They were made from different factors.porcelain is the pinical material of clay and is expensive.Seramics is basically mud.he chooses porcelain because of the way it is thought to be expensive marital and how the people who uses it pretty mush work with mud.His place is called Tofu as in the food
The making of straight:
70,000 were killed in the earth quake.children were killed as well.
He had six or seven days he didn't write anything due to feeling speechless and people questioned it.He went to feel reverent and stood in one of the earthquake and spoke about the bodies under his knees.He wanted to find out who's dead ans he saw pack backs.they sent out groups to find out who they were and 40 groups got arrested.He put all the names on his blog y saying who they were,how old they were etc.he did a mural for a mum that lost her dancer child using back packs in the picture.He was soon arrested in 81 days(for tax evasions)  and he came back to his staff still working even then which gave him joy.theses worked on pipes.he's done conditions for the bejing stadium (the birds nest).
This personally is my favourite work by Ai with the pots. His pictures and work have been renowneded and at one time a protester smashed one of his 1m pots.

Monday 23 November 2015

changes to box design using 60s high end psychedelic art

A massive change to my box layout is the back ground style.I decided to go with brighter colours as it makes my design more interesting and a lot more catchy.By making this change it helps me make my advertisments. Some art work i plan to take inspiration from is pictures like this;
I really like the minimalistic but still full art work that has been made here.

I have already made my leaflet in this kind of style and can easily make my billboard this way as well.
My biggest inspiration and what i plan to make my box to represent is the below picture:
This picture was done by Laura Gentians is one of the biggest inspirations to my artwork.I loved the way the multicolour drips splatter down the page.

here is my rendition of this idea and what i plan to use on my box and other ideas:
This is a lot bigger version  of the last design and a more simple one as well.

Thursday 19 November 2015


The Bauhaus was first founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar. In spite of its name, and the fact that its founder was an architect, the Bauhaus during the first years of its existence did not have an architecture department. Nonetheless, it was founded with the idea of creating a "total" work of art in which all arts, including architecture, would eventually be brought together. The Bauhaus style later became one of the most influential currents in modern design, Modernist architecture and art, design and architectural education.The Bauhaus had a profound influence upon subsequent developments in art, architecture, graphic design, interior design, industrial design, and typography.

he "Degenerate Art" exhibit held in Munich in 1937 was the end of modern art in Nazi Germany and the beginning of Nazi Art. The author examines some of the art shown at that exhibit.
Barr, the director of the Museum of Modern Art from its inception in 1928 until 1943, displayed "almost prophetic insight" on his visit to Stuttgart at the very beginning of Nazi rule in 1933. In Stuttgart, Barr found that The "Battle Band for German Culture", an early official Nazi group with affiliates in every important German city, dominated almost every phase of German cultural life right from the beginning of the Nazi regime. He also found that modern art, offensive to the Third Reich, was attacked in Stuttgart, a city which had embraced the modern International Style in art and architecture - a reasonable attachment since the International Style was German in origin.
Wassily Kandinsky
A member of the German Expressionist group Der Blaue Reiter, and later a teacher at the Bauhaus, Kandinsky is best known for his pioneering breakthrough into expressive abstraction in 1913. His work prefigures that of the American Abstract Expressionists.
Josef Albers
Josef Albers was a German-born American painter and teacher. Celebrated as a geometric abstractionist and influential instructor at Black Mountain College, Albers directly influenced such artists as Robert Rauschenberg, Cy Twombly and Ray Johnson.
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy
Laszlo Moholy-Nagy was a Hungarian painter, photographer and teacher at the Bauhaus School. Moholy-Nagy was influential in promoting the Bauhaus's multi- and mixed-media approaches to art, advocating for the integration of technological and industrial design elements.
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was one of the founding fathers of architectural Modernism. Utilizing modern materials and mass production strategies, his buildings rejected surface ornament in favor of a sleek and imposing geometry.
Johannes Itten (11 November 1888 – 25 March 1967) was a Swiss expressionist painter, designer, teacher, writer and theorist associated with the Bauhaus (Staatliche Bauhaus) school. Together with German-American painter Lyonel Feininger and German sculptor Gerhard Marcks, under the direction of German architect Walter Gropius, Itten was part of the core of the Weimar Bauhaus.
Oskar Schlemmer (4 September 1888 – 13 April 1943) was a German paintersculptordesigner and choreographer associated with the Bauhaus school. In 1923 he was hired as Master of Form at the Bauhaus theatre workshop, after working some time at the workshop of sculpture. His most famous work is "Triadisches Ballett," in which the actors are transfigured from the normal to geometrical shapes. Also in Slat Dance and Treppenwitz, the performers' costumes make them into living sculpture, as if part of the scenery.chlemmer became known internationally with the première of his 'Triadisches Ballett' in Stuttgart in 1922. His work for the Bauhaus and his preoccupation with the theatre are an important factor in his work, which deals mainly with the problematic of the figure in space. People, typically stylised faceless female figures, continued to be the predominant subject in his painting. While at Bauhaus, he developed the multidisciplinary course "Der Mensch (The human being)." In the human form he saw a measure that could provide a foothold in the disunity of his time. After using Cubism as a springboard for his structural studies, Schlemmer's work became intrigued with the possibilities of figures and their relationship to the space around them, for example 'Egocentric Space Lines' (1924). Schlemmer's characteristic forms can be seen in his sculptures as well as his paintings. Yet he also turned his attention to stage design, first getting involved with this in 1929, executing settings for the opera 'Nightingale' and the ballet 'Renard' by Igor Stravinsky.

House mad be bauhaus worksop.was made as a dream about a better world.Also made affordable.Designed a kitchen using ceramics and glasses as well.1923 hyperflation stopped the houses being sold in mass and jobs started to loss.At this time Nazis marched through the streets protesting.Soon after the college closed 1925 due to this (national social party which where Nazis).1924 political arts had the depression and prohibited money to try compensate for the devalue.was closed before it could be closed(reopened destroying desseou) which was better a more natural home less then a year to build.designed things for workshops metal replaced wood,chairs were inspired by cars and such.experiments were made with double montage and over printing.bold simple designs rethought ht along with text and everything was possible.Dixeland
They were seen as Punks.

Second director.Second director communist Hannes Meyer's took the place of groupeus 1929.1930 Ludwig was appointed as the next Bauhaus director.actetictual study's were topped and was closed as nazis thought it to be a pit of Jewish ideas.

Georg Muche

nvited Muche in 1919 to join the Bauhaus faculty in Weimar.At Bauhaus, he headed the weaving workshop from 1919 to 1925 and directed the preliminary course from 1921 to 1922.Muche was in charge of the 1923 Bauhaus Exhibition, their first major exhibition,[5] for which he designed an experimental house known as "Haus am Horn". It was constructed in 1923 as the first practical implementation of the new Bauhaus building style. Such principles were key influences on 20th-century architecture.Of the original Bauhaus buildings in Weimar, Haus am Horn is the only one still standing.[8] Muche was the leading proponent of the Bauhaus architectural group. In 1926 he, along with Richard Paulick, designed the innovative Stahlhaus (Steel House) at Dessau-Törten.[5][7] From 1925 to 1927 he headed the Bauhaus' weaving workshop in Dessau.

Gunta Stölzl (5 March 1897 – 22 April 1983) was a German textile artist who played a fundamental role in the development of the Bauhaus school’s weaving workshop. As the Bauhaus’s only female master she created enormous change within the weaving department as it transitioned from individual pictorial works to modern industrial designs. She joined the Bauhaus as a student in 1920, became a junior master in 1927 and a full master the next year. She was dismissed for political reasons in 1931, two years before the Bauhaus closed under pressure from the Nazis.She soon became a mentor to other students and reopened the Bauhaus dye studios in 1921. After a brief departure, Stölzl became the school's weaving director in 1925 when it relocated from Weimar to Dessau and expanded the department to increase its weaving and dyeing facilities. She applied ideas from modern art to weaving, experimented with synthetic materials, and improved the department's technical instruction to include courses in mathematics. The Bauhaus weaving workshop became one of its most successful facilities under her direction.

Monday 2 November 2015

billboard and advertisements

Below is just a place holder as i will be taking a picture;
(i will be taking one)
Practice and ideas for my billboard that will be used to both show case and show off)my product to protectional clients. Those who will be driving past will automatically see my eye catching product and very quick explanation of what it is.This is a quick and easy way to sell products as it opens up to a wider audiences my intend audience were those who would read cat magazinces.
I will also be doing a bus stop advert and a small magazine one as well just so i have a bigger range to play with.

Reference i will be using for my billboard

Billboard idea with border.
Cat billboard idea using simple cat
Final poster ideas and example i will work from:
ideas for the content including simple style  
 illustrations idea using simple pen on one colour(psycoldelic idea)
using simple cartoons(my style).
Pre poster and possible advertisement layout using my sketchy I did earlier and pack pens.
the page on the left gives a more accurate showing of what I want to achieve but the right gives the particular layout.The fonts are a. little off though as they have been hand drawn and I am still working on drawing my actually product over the coloured parts.
Over all this is a good design and I feel that it is stronger last ones. I will keep on working on this design either way.
Here is the computer version I hope to complete asap:
My next job with this would be to add the cat and small writing(which i have forgot).
I really like how this has turned out especially since i turned the pattern around.

Cat details for both poster and board;
With this one i have added thick lines to define the cat more.I have removed the details on the head and have instead added details on the chest.
Maybe i will make the lines a little less bold and put a few features back on.
i feel that this one is a lot better with the changes i made;

Further advertising (billboard)
using the high end drip effect and other resources i have drawn up in my sketch pad:
Black outline of my product that i used to go in the back ground.Blends in the right amount as well.
as seen below is the start of my new design:

This (those may) will be the back ground to my billboard thats includes my products in the back ground.
I have yet to add a cat to the design but my idea is to have it with thicker lines and have it bolder then the back ground.I have a few sketches in my book that i can work from. 
I took a totally different approach to my billboard idea with a big bold font and several other changes.
update and changes to idea;

Idea without the right handsome border making it feel less inclusive of the space.
Advert used as example.