Tuesday 6 October 2015

Andrew Lord(Insperation for FMP)

These pots have a look of rotten and old The paint adds to this.
Above are some of the main pierces of Andrews work that I would like to use for inspiration. I really like the way his first piece seems to be made out of paper mache and looks all bitty .I shall be attempting re cerate this first piece in my own way.
Some information I found regarding Andrew Lord and his work was that most of his work uses matirals such as Ceramic, epoxy, gold leaf, encre de Chine and oak table. I may not be able to use these exact matireals but I can always find a substitute for them
He only really has 5 pieces of notable work but this is of no concern to me.
 Here is a piece I made out of wire cage.By doing this I got a unsure but needed design:

This is my vase in work using a marital called skrim.It helps the clay to not crack and makes my design more unique.In experimenting with this material I have found it to be quite fun to use as well.
I shall be using it in the future

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