Tuesday 12 May 2015

Unit 3 finished designs

I would like to start with the last design i did in they unit. This one is one of my favourites as i am impressed with the abstract edge i have added.The blocks that are scatted around are supposed to represent houses(as in the houses around worksop)and there is a path leading towards the viewer and away from the priory church(which,of course,is in worksop).

This design is supposed to represent how we,Worksop,grow as a town.The tree,which grows towards the building to suggest that our town has both buildings and trees.My main problem with this design is the way the sun looks.For a start The "beams" coming off the main bit of it makes it look more like  a flower.Besides that i would have liked to make the lines slightly thicker for a better effect.My favourite part of the design is the road and how it leads towards the viewer.This was a aesthetic choice made to make my design look better.I think,looking at my design now,That the clouds should have been done diffrently.

A personal favourite of mine.This design has had a few compliments as it is the best looking one.I like the way i have incorporated "The all seeing eye" into my design. This is supposed to represent the fact that we all have the wisdom in our hands to progress and grow(like the moon).
Though points were raised ,while talking with others,that the moon theme may offend those of the islamic state.This being said the flag includes a moon with a small star(which is not included in my design)so i may be safe to keep my design the same. 

The last design is a lighter colour then the rest because of the way it was formatted.This issue was fixed later on.This design was supposed to be a simple one.Using lines and shapes only. The straight lines come together to make building(more or less like theses in worksop and Retford).The sun is shown in the back ground,like beams of light.This deign is not as strong as my others as converting it its opacity has taken the nice dark and light tones out of it.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

pupet mechanism and ideas

While researching puppet mechanisms I found this picture which I thought would be good for my toad.I is quite similar to mine as it has a toad like mouth.Although I wouldn't use the eye lashes as tosd is associated as a male(though there's nothing wrong with him having them).
I want to use the wire frame so I can hold it like so:
This will control how the mouth moves.
I would use thick wire to make this look work.
I have found some ideas for if I wanted to make a moving mouth.
I thought of this from when I was little and I used to get these toys from cheap stores.That being said,the toys themselves lasted quite a while.
They work by having a thread attacked to the inside of the mouth that goes down to the handle. By pulling the the handle catch the mouth opens and closes.
This would be a good idea for my toads mouth.
I would include a handle on mine that could be pulled to make the mouth open and close easily.

Latex design

First view of my mask that has had latex added to it.We had to add a little layer to begin with and let it dry.

As you can see from the picture above its starting to smooth into the mask.
Looking at the picture now I realize how uneven the nose looks but this is something to fix in the future.

There looks like there are a few ultra white patches.This can be fixed when I apply the third layer.
This is a update of my mask which has had to have another coat on t as it's gone moldy