Monday 1 February 2016

Mixed media and fine art ideas (ones to consider)

here is some research i have done for Unit 45 Graphic image making i will be putting the work i have found into good use.Here are some of the examples i have found:
Most of these are made from magazines and are a mixture of paper and computer(i would assume photoshop)

Fine art:
This one automatically struck me and the bright colours really go well with the idea(fashion and modelling).I really love the fact the image looks hand drawn and i want to take inspiration from this image in some way.A mixture of patterns and dots really makes this work intrersting.

 Hand painted:
This one takes a totally different approach to the last one.I feel as though this one looks a lot more realistic and the painting makes it look smoother.I love the way the dress is made out of comics to look like what she is wearing.
 Mixture of photo and simple:
This one is a prime example of mixed media and uses photos take and special effects (i would assume on photoshop etc)to create a faded picture.While i ,myself, would most likely not use this idea in my work i would like to still consider it as a option if i were to use the camera more.

 Photography and hand drawn imagery:
I feel as if this image would be very easy to recreate with a good camera and smooth graphic lines.I really love the simplicity as well.I feel as if this one is defiantly one to consider.

 Hand drawn images with text in the back:
A idea brought to the class by our tutor today.Using facts about the art industry we could make a image that has a list at the back and compose something that relates to the art industry at the front.A simple but still very effective idea that should be taken into consideration.
collage photo:
Now this is a image i do really like.I love the way that multiple images have been combined into one to make not only a person,but a recognisable one at that.The colours all fit right and the background makes the image look even better(without it looking as messy and busy like the first image).
I love that the texture on the face isn't even a image so really does give this picture a bit of uniqueness.
 Texture photo(stitched):
This image really struck me as i different approach to making posters.The idea that you could do a series of three poster that had been hand stitched and then had splashes of painted added really would given the a unique feel.While i am the first to admit i know very little about textiles andbcan not stitch i would love to have a go at creating something like this.

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