Wednesday 28 January 2015

Vortisum Edward Wadsworth

My idea for my vortsisum piece came from a picture done by Edwards Wadsworth.This piece was very exciting to me as the closer you look the more you can see(e.g people and stairs). I am hoping to use this idea in my final piece .
As I have been doing some land based research around the college (especially in the engineering). While I was there I saw a range of different machines and cogs that were connected to machines.This has given me the idea to construct a vortsist body out of machine parts(and possibly people at work on the machines). This would symbolise that the human body is like a massive man made machine.
I shall be devolping my idea further but I am very happy with my conclusion so
*picture above wadsworth’s Newcastle of 1914 Newcastle by Edward Wadsworth (1914). Woodcut, 4 x 5 inches (10.5cm x 13cm). This was published in BLAST 1, page 29
Taken from Tate website.

Machine parts example

My idea:
This is my final idea. I will be making a copy of this and deciding what shall be the back ground picture ( I will research machine and mechanical ESC colours )
I will either stencil the design or paint the picture a colour.

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