Wednesday 28 January 2015

Vortisum Edward Wadsworth

My idea for my vortsisum piece came from a picture done by Edwards Wadsworth.This piece was very exciting to me as the closer you look the more you can see(e.g people and stairs). I am hoping to use this idea in my final piece .
As I have been doing some land based research around the college (especially in the engineering). While I was there I saw a range of different machines and cogs that were connected to machines.This has given me the idea to construct a vortsist body out of machine parts(and possibly people at work on the machines). This would symbolise that the human body is like a massive man made machine.
I shall be devolping my idea further but I am very happy with my conclusion so
*picture above wadsworth’s Newcastle of 1914 Newcastle by Edward Wadsworth (1914). Woodcut, 4 x 5 inches (10.5cm x 13cm). This was published in BLAST 1, page 29
Taken from Tate website.

Machine parts example

My idea:
This is my final idea. I will be making a copy of this and deciding what shall be the back ground picture ( I will research machine and mechanical ESC colours )
I will either stencil the design or paint the picture a colour.

3 Designs for Worksop Bus shelter




Wednesday 21 January 2015

The futurism manifesto (link)

We have been up all night, my friends and I, beneath mosque lamps whose brass cupolas are bright as our souls, because like them they were illuminated by the internal glow of electric hearts. And trampling underfoot our native sloth on opulent Persian carpets, we have been discussing right up to the limits of logic and scrawling the paper with demented writing.
Our hearts were filled with an immense pride at feeling ourselves standing quite alone, like lighthouses or like the sentinels in an outpost, facing the army of enemy stars encamped in their celestial bivouacs. Alone with the engineers in the infernal stokeholes of great ships, alone with the black spirits which rage in the belly of rogue locomotives, alone with the drunkards beating their wings against the walls.
Then we were suddenly distracted by the rumbling of huge double decker trams that went leaping by, streaked with light like the villages celebrating their festivals, which the Po in flood suddenly knocks down and uproots, and, in the rapids and eddies of a deluge, drags down to the sea.
Then the silence increased. As we listened to the last faint prayer of the old canal and the crumbling of the bones of the moribund palaces with their green growth of beard, suddenly the hungry automobiles roared beneath our windows.
"Come, my friends!" I said. "Let us go! At last Mythology and the mystic cult of the ideal have been left behind. We are going to be present at the birth of the centaur and we shall soon see the first angels fly! We must break down the gates of life to test the bolts and the padlocks! Let us go! Here is they very first sunrise on earth! Nothing equals the splendor of its red sword which strikes for the first time in our millennial darkness."
We went up to the three snorting machines to caress their breasts. I lay along mine like a corpse on its bier, but I suddenly revived again beneath the steering wheel — a guillotine knife — which threatened my stomach. A great sweep of madness brought us sharply back to ourselves and drove us through the streets, steep and deep, like dried up torrents. Here and there unhappy lamps in the windows taught us to despise our mathematical eyes. "Smell," I exclaimed, "smell is good enough for wild beasts!"
And we hunted, like young lions, death with its black fur dappled with pale crosses, who ran before us in the vast violet sky, palpable and living

Images from Google while searching for Futurism manifesto.

Wyndham Lewis (link)

Wyndham lewis 
The link above has information about Wyndham lewis,his life,his work,etc...
(Taken from The Tate)

futurism (model work)

My idea for my model work is to use the ideas of Futrism to make a 3D model. I shall combine shapes (waves)  to build up a image(which is one of my images that was drawn on Tuesday. I use the shapes to make simple parts of the body obvious like the hips.
I will be using this picture as a example 
I will be making this into a 3D model afterwards. I will consider using card and paper. 
I used this picture for my model of the body,this is the model so far:
If you look closely you can see the begging of the rib cage.
Next I plan to paint some of the pieces,this will be done so the darker and lighter parts of the body are more obvious.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

life drawing continued

Updated drawings. I researched how to draw hands (mainly by looking in magazines like OK and other life style).I also studied breast shapes as I found my drawing before to be quite oddly shapped. 
The first drawing at the top went well and I really like the shape of the back and how I had started to shade certain features. Although it does appear to be a little long I shall have to try drawing backs in my spare time. 
The second drawing has both the same positives and negatives as the last one.

Monday 19 January 2015

Worksop bus station(1981 Drive through the town)

link to video:

As part of my research(and general interest) i watched this video which showed me worksop in 1981.
Here we could see the old shops that used to be located in worksop.Some shops like wool worths(which had closed down).And how some new roads, like Turner road, had been built.
It was really interesting to see worksop a lot more cleaner and to a degree a lot more quieter.
On the tour places like the flour mill were the same as they are now and have just was much use today.
We also found out before the college was actually made,that it was a mansion that was owned by a rich man who had made the massive house for his daughter and another (Highfield house) for his other daughter.The music room (which was for his other daughter) is still interacted and is being used today.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

life drawing (From real model)

First time using tablet on a real model. First two pictures need major improvements specially the chin and hands. I will be doing some research on these two things that I struggling. I am impressed though with the body proportions though as I usually struggle with them. 

Friday 9 January 2015

Futurism and vortitsum

What is futurism?
Futurism iswas an artistic and social movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century. It emphasized and glorified themes associated with contemporary concepts of the future, including speed, technology, youth and violence, and objects such as the car, the aeroplane and the industrial city. It was largely an Italian phenomenon, though there were parallel movements in Russia, England and elsewhere.
(Taken from Wikipedia)
Examples of artists:
Gino Severini, Luigi Russolo, Carlo CarrĂ , Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Umberto Boccioni.
Example of artwork in futurism style:
This painting was done by Gino Severini 

Gino Severini, 1912, Dynamic Hieroglyphic of the Bal Tabarin, oil on canvas with sequins

What is vortitsum?
Vorticism was a short-lived modernist movement in British art and poetry of the early 20th century.[1] It was partly inspired by Cubism. The movement was announced in 1914 in the first issue of BLAST, which contained its manifesto and the movement's rejection of landscape and nudes in favour of a geometric style tending towards abstraction. Ultimately, it was their witnessing of unfolding human disaster in World War I that "drained these artists of their Vorticist zeal".Vorticism was based in London but was international in make-up and ambition.
(Taken from Wikipedia) 
Example of Artists:The eleven signatories of the Vorticist manifesto were:
Richard Aldington
Malcolm Arbuthnot
Lawrence Atkinson
Jessica Dismorr
Henri Gaudier-Brzeska
Cuthbert Hamilton
Wyndham Lewis
Ezra Pound
William Roberts
Helen Saunders
Edward Wadsworth
Example of artwork:

life drawing (from real model)

This was my first attempt at drawing a real life model.U found this very intresting and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

My first two attempts were a lot better though I didn't manage to get a picture.