Sunday 7 May 2017

Artist influnces futher research_Dave Davis

Artist influence:
After the review of my earlier work I decided to expand my knowledge with medium,I wanted to look particularly at my tutor
Link to daves online Art profile(outdated but still relevant):
Unfortunately this was all I could find on line when attempting to look for his work,Below are some of his art pieces that were for sale,

Guardian 3

Asking the artist:

Friday 5 May 2017

Artist Pablo picasso

To continue with my new idea i wanted to look at artist whom would work well alongside it.Looking into (as suggested by my tutor) Degenerate art. i looked at one artist whom i was familiar with and also felt would work the best.This was:
Pablo Picasso:
Known for his crazy,colourful and distorted faces Pablo was never known for portraying normality.
i wanted to combine some of Pablo's style while working on my own.Looking to experiment with distorting faces and taking the worst out of some one and projecting this on them.

Below are some some of his well known (and relevent pieces) that i would like to use in this FMP:

The weeping women,1937,oil acrylics

Thursday 4 May 2017

A new idea direction with my work

After receiving feed back from a tutor it was highly suggested that i take my current idea in a new dircetion(to help up my current level).While at first i felt a little put down with the thought of my ideas not working so well i soon realised how helpful it would be.This feed back was given as my old idea did not have as much weight and would apparently be a little too depressing for people(though i feel some work in the Tate could be perceived as the same but this is yet to be SAID OTHERWISE)
To break down the feedback was given:
Instead of scars look at the ugliness of people (what we have inside of us)Turing my attention to celebrities (people whom will be most know for their ugly ways,mean words, and arguments that would add up to nothing)
It was suggested (and i have already started) to look at articles and find quails that celebrity's had said to each other. One women who automatically came to mind when the mention of mean people came up was
Katie Hopkins:

Known for her excerpts and bad mouthing specially of the fat shamming and common side of life in magazines and controversial TV experiences she was the perfect start to my project.Hated by most and apparently (after researching her) loved by another man namely Trump:

Donald Trump

I felt it was best to start off with the news on trump at this very seen above Trump is well known for expressing op ions and carrying out on the worst ones. Especially against immigrants and any one whom doesn't share his nationality(mainly the immigrants Mexico).

some famous quotes by the one and only:
All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected.
What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.
Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make.

As my work contiunes i will making more and more additions but for now i want to stick to only a few (mainly due to the time peroid i have to complete said tasks in) i will most likely be looking